Sponsor The Geothermal Energy Event of The Year!
Sponsorships for the GRC Annual Meeting & Expo are now available. These are great opportunities for companies to get more exposure at the largest annual geothermal energy gathering in the world.
The 2018 meeting will take place in Reno, Nevada from October 14th through the 17th.The four-day event will offer technical, policy, and market conference sessions, educational seminars, tours of local geothermal and renewable energy projects, an expo and numerous networking opportunities.
Make the geothermal community take notice, become a sponsor now!
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Thursday, May 31, 2018
Mexico: Country has Significant Potential for Geothermal - Report
Mexico’s Renewable Energy Future (The Wilson Center)
Geothermal energy, which currently accounts for about 1 percent of installed capacity, is another renewable energy technology with significant growth potential. Mexico already has the fifth-largest installed geothermal power capacity after the United States, the Philippines, Indonesia, and New Zealand, and another 13.4 GW of potential.
The government has put significant funding into developing new technologies through its Geothermal Innovation Center. As a volcanic region, Mexico has significant potential for geothermal, a firm energy source that can complement intermittent sources such as wind and solar. The resource potential is spread throughout the country, but concentrated in the volcanic central, eastern, and southern regions.
Geothermal energy, which currently accounts for about 1 percent of installed capacity, is another renewable energy technology with significant growth potential. Mexico already has the fifth-largest installed geothermal power capacity after the United States, the Philippines, Indonesia, and New Zealand, and another 13.4 GW of potential.
The government has put significant funding into developing new technologies through its Geothermal Innovation Center. As a volcanic region, Mexico has significant potential for geothermal, a firm energy source that can complement intermittent sources such as wind and solar. The resource potential is spread throughout the country, but concentrated in the volcanic central, eastern, and southern regions.
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New Zealand: Vacancy as Head of Generation at Wairakei Geothermal site
Head of Generation - Geothermal (Contact Energy)
Location: Wairakei, Taupo, New Zealand
We are searching for the next Head of Generation at our Wairakei (Taupo) Geothermal site – could this be you?
A vital role to the successful running of the power station, we are looking for someone who shares the sites’ strategy to be internationally recognised as a leader in safe, reliable and efficient generation operations and geothermal innovation. In this role you will bring your strategic and operational leadership skills to the fore to deliver safe and efficient operations while focussing on continuous improvement to future proof the site, improve plant reliability and support and enable our people. You will also contribute to Contact’s aspiration of leading the decarbonisation of New Zealand’s energy sector by 2022.
You will be a strong and engaging leader, always striving to get the best from your people. Collaboration across the site and the portfolio are of upmost importance in this role so you must be someone who is highly skilled in this area. You are also someone who is good at building strong and lasting relationships not only with team members, colleagues and peers but also local communities in around the Taupo region.
Roles like these don’t come along often so if you think you have the skills and experience to help take this power station forward, while working in a township famous for its geothermal activity and many other beautiful natural wonders, we would love to hear from you
Applications close 9am, Monday 11th June 2018
Please apply online, or for more information contact Jenny Macdonald on 04 462 1163 or email jenny.macdonald@contactenergy.co.nz
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Location: Wairakei, Taupo, New Zealand
We are searching for the next Head of Generation at our Wairakei (Taupo) Geothermal site – could this be you?
A vital role to the successful running of the power station, we are looking for someone who shares the sites’ strategy to be internationally recognised as a leader in safe, reliable and efficient generation operations and geothermal innovation. In this role you will bring your strategic and operational leadership skills to the fore to deliver safe and efficient operations while focussing on continuous improvement to future proof the site, improve plant reliability and support and enable our people. You will also contribute to Contact’s aspiration of leading the decarbonisation of New Zealand’s energy sector by 2022.
You will be a strong and engaging leader, always striving to get the best from your people. Collaboration across the site and the portfolio are of upmost importance in this role so you must be someone who is highly skilled in this area. You are also someone who is good at building strong and lasting relationships not only with team members, colleagues and peers but also local communities in around the Taupo region.
Roles like these don’t come along often so if you think you have the skills and experience to help take this power station forward, while working in a township famous for its geothermal activity and many other beautiful natural wonders, we would love to hear from you
Applications close 9am, Monday 11th June 2018
Please apply online, or for more information contact Jenny Macdonald on 04 462 1163 or email jenny.macdonald@contactenergy.co.nz
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Wairakei, New Zealand
USA, Hawaii: Lava Destroys Substation and Drilling Rig at Puna Geothermal Venture
Ormat Provides an Update on the Puna Power Plant in Hawaii Following the Kilauea Volcanic Eruption (News Release)
Ormat Technologies Inc. provides an update that on May 30, 2018, due to the approaching lava, the substation of the Puna complex and an adjacent warehouse that stored a drilling rig were burned. Both items are expected to be covered by the company’s insurance policies. Due to the long lead time of constructing a new substation and the extent of the damage to HELCO’s transmission lines, the company cannot asses when the Puna complex will be able to resume operation and deliver power to the grid.
The approaching lava also covered and blocked the main access road to the power plant. Alternative access road is currently open.
As announced on May 28, the approaching lava covered the wellheads of two geothermal wells. The company cannot assess at this stage the extent of the damage to the future functionality of these wells. As of today, the lava did not cover any additional wells. The lava continues to flow and may reach other wells and areas of the Puna facility.
USA, Hawaii: Lava Continues to Surround Puna Geothermal Venture
Hawaiian Volcano Observatory Status Report (U.S. Geological Survey)
Wednesday, May 30, 2018, 10:11 PM HST (Thursday, May 31, 2018, 08:11 UTC)
Vigorous eruption of lava continues from the lower East Rift Zone (LERZ) fissure system in the area of Leilani Estates and Lanipuna Gardens.
Fissure 8 continues to maintain eruptive fountains reaching 200-250 feet. Subsidiary fountains in the vicinity of Fissure 8 are also active although with much less vigor, seldom exceeding 60 feet in height. This fountaining continues to feed a lava flow that is moving north out of Leilani Estates and then northeast along Highway 132 into the area of Noni Farms road. Flow front advance has slowed to less than 50 yards per hour.
Europe: Geothermal News from EGEC
The EGEC Newsletter May 2018 - The Voice of Geothermal in Europe
The May issue of the European Geothermal Energy Council (EGEC) Newsletter is now available.
Click here to download. In this issue:
Click here to download. In this issue:
- "Go for 35%"
- Latest updates on the Clean Energy Package
- France, a European leader in geothermal energy: site visit to Villepinte geothermal system
- 200 years of geothermal energy celebrated in Larderello (Italy)
- Netherlands: Five geothermal projects under renewable energy funding program
- Geothermal research in Karlsruhe honored with top mark
- Applications for PhD researcher positions at TU Darmstadt
- ETIP-DG Annual Conference
- GeoENERGY Days
- Renewable Heating & Cooling in Integrated Urban & Industrial Energy Systems
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Wednesday, May 30, 2018
Canada: Geothermal Resource Well Authorizations issued to Canoe Reach Geothermal Project
BC Oil and Gas Commission Issues First Geothermal Resource Well Authorization (News Release)
The BC Oil and Gas Commission (Commission) has issued geothermal resource well authorizations to Borealis Geopower Inc. for four thermal gradient wells on its Canoe Reach Geothermal Project, south of Valemount B.C.
Borealis Geopower Inc. is a renewable geothermal energy company based in Calgary, Alberta with plans to drill geothermal wells to produce renewable power and heat.
The well authorizations will allow the company to begin drilling for collection of geotechnical and temperature gradient information.
The Commission issued the well authorizations on May 29, 2018 and represents the first time the Commission has issued a well authorization under the Geothermal Resource Act. The Commission was made the provincial regulator of geothermal resources on March 31, 2017.
The Geothermal Resources Act governs development and use of geothermal resources (80 degrees Celsius and above) and the Commission has jurisdiction over the operational requirements.
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The BC Oil and Gas Commission (Commission) has issued geothermal resource well authorizations to Borealis Geopower Inc. for four thermal gradient wells on its Canoe Reach Geothermal Project, south of Valemount B.C.
Borealis Geopower Inc. is a renewable geothermal energy company based in Calgary, Alberta with plans to drill geothermal wells to produce renewable power and heat.
The well authorizations will allow the company to begin drilling for collection of geotechnical and temperature gradient information.
The Commission issued the well authorizations on May 29, 2018 and represents the first time the Commission has issued a well authorization under the Geothermal Resource Act. The Commission was made the provincial regulator of geothermal resources on March 31, 2017.
The Geothermal Resources Act governs development and use of geothermal resources (80 degrees Celsius and above) and the Commission has jurisdiction over the operational requirements.
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Canada: Binary Geothermal Energy Plant Could Power Lithium Extraction Facility
E3 Metals moves a step closer to lithium extraction from oilfield brine with patent pending technology (JWN Energy)
Initial metallurgical test work on E3 Metals Corp.’s proprietary lithium extraction technology produced a lithium concentrate of up to 1,206 milligrams per litre, a concentration factor of 16 times, the Calgary-based company said.
E3 Metals conducted six bench scale metallurgical tests of its concentration technology on lithium enriched Leduc Formation water (raw brine) from the Exshaw West Project Area in western Alberta.
With high porosity and permeability, the Leduc Formation has demonstrated the ability to deliver high volumes of hot (70 to 100 degrees Celsius/ 158 to 212 degrees Fahrenheit) brine. With extensive oil and gas infrastructure – including disposal wells, production sites and pipelines – and a mature regulatory regime, Alberta is an attractive jurisdiction for petro-lithium development, the company said.
Preview of the Next Geothermal Energy Magazine
Coming Soon - GRC Bulletin - Vol. 47, No. 3, May/June 2018
The next GRC Bulletin will be published next week. Produced by the Geothermal Resources Council since 1972, the Bulletin is the voice of the international geothermal energy community.
In the next issue:

In the next issue:
- Inside Geothermal: 15 pages of geothermal energy news from around the world
- Role of Geothermal in The Generation of Hydrogen and Its Use for Energy Storage, by Marcelo J. Lippmann
- The UND-CLR Binary Geothermal Power Plant, by Will Gosnold
- Solar Thermal and Geothermal Hybrid Power Plant Study, by Kevin Kitz
- Corporate Focus - Eden GeoPower
- Geothermal History in the Making - a drilling program for geothermal energy resources in British Columbia in 2004.
The GRC Bulletin is only available online to GRC members. To make sure of your copy join the GRC today!
Chile: Geothermal Energy Can Help to Replace Coal-Fired Power Plants
Geotermia y concentradores solares se posicionan como alternativas para reemplazar al carbón - Geothermal and solar concentrators are positioned as alternatives to replace coal (University of Chile)
Ante el progresivo retiro de 5.000 MW de capacidad en centrales a carbón y el compromiso presidencial de alcanzar una matriz de generación eléctrica compuesta en un 100 por ciento por energías limpias al 2050, miembros de la Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas de la Universidad de Chile plantean la idoneidad de las plantas geotérmicas y los concentradores solares para suplir a los combustibles fósiles.
(From Google Translate) Faced with the progressive withdrawal of 5,000 MW of capacity in coal-fired power plants and the presidential commitment to achieve a matrix of electricity generation composed of 100% clean energy by 2050, members of the Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences of the University of Chile raise the suitability of geothermal plants and solar concentrators to supply fossil fuels.
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Ante el progresivo retiro de 5.000 MW de capacidad en centrales a carbón y el compromiso presidencial de alcanzar una matriz de generación eléctrica compuesta en un 100 por ciento por energías limpias al 2050, miembros de la Facultad de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas de la Universidad de Chile plantean la idoneidad de las plantas geotérmicas y los concentradores solares para suplir a los combustibles fósiles.
(From Google Translate) Faced with the progressive withdrawal of 5,000 MW of capacity in coal-fired power plants and the presidential commitment to achieve a matrix of electricity generation composed of 100% clean energy by 2050, members of the Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences of the University of Chile raise the suitability of geothermal plants and solar concentrators to supply fossil fuels.
Lee mas......... Read More........
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Europe: PhD Positions Available in Enhanced Geothermal Systems
Two open PhD candidate positions at TU Darmstadt (EGEC)
The Geothermal Science and Technology group at TU Darmstadt has launched a call for application for two PhD candidate positions from the 1st of July 2018 or earlier, funded within a larger EU-Horizon 2020 project for a period of 3 years.
The first position will work on the “Petrophysical and geomechanical characterisation of Variscan reservoir outcrop analogues and reservoirs” to contribute to the work of the second position, which will focus on the “Geothermal modelling of Variscan Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS) in granitic and metamorphic rocks”. Both are part of the EU-H2020 project “Multidisciplinary and multi-context demonstration of EGS exploration and Exploitation Techniques and potentials (MEET)”.
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The Geothermal Science and Technology group at TU Darmstadt has launched a call for application for two PhD candidate positions from the 1st of July 2018 or earlier, funded within a larger EU-Horizon 2020 project for a period of 3 years.
The first position will work on the “Petrophysical and geomechanical characterisation of Variscan reservoir outcrop analogues and reservoirs” to contribute to the work of the second position, which will focus on the “Geothermal modelling of Variscan Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS) in granitic and metamorphic rocks”. Both are part of the EU-H2020 project “Multidisciplinary and multi-context demonstration of EGS exploration and Exploitation Techniques and potentials (MEET)”.
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Darmstadt, Germany
France: More than 70 Geothermal Plants Provide Space Heating
France, a European leader in geothermal energy (EGEC)
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(Courtesy CIA.gov) |
Geothermal is already a key sector in the development of renewable energy in France to reach the mid-term and long-term objectives fixed by the French law on energy transition ‘Loi de Transition Energétique pour la Croissance Verte (LTECV).
Thanks to its great experience in the Paris basin, France is leading the geothermal district heating market in Europe. More than 70 geothermal plants provide space heating in France. The majority of these installations have been installed in the 80s, and today they supply heating to around 300 000 Equivalent Dwelling Unit (EDU). In the Paris area, geothermal supplies heat to more than 187 000 EDU, which corresponds to more than 240 000 tonnes of CO2 avoided annually. In 2015, the French geothermal market represents 388 M€, in comparison with 282 M€ in 2013 (+38 %).
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Finance: The Big Players in Geothermal Power Production
Geothermal Power Market Insights by Size, Status and Forecast 2023: Key Players (Technical Progress News)
The report lists the main companies involved in the market: Fuji Electric,
Zorlu Energy, Dogal ELEKTRIK Uretim A.S., Celiker Jeotermal Elektrik Uretim A.S., Ormat Technologies, Enel Green Power, Alterra Power, RARIK Turkison Enerji (RTE), Mannvit, Guris Holding, Hubei Dida Heat Energy Technology,
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) and Toshiba.
Ormat Technologies, Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems and Fuji Electric will be exhibiting at the GRC Annual Meeting & Expo, October 14-17 at the Peppermill Resort Spa Casino, Reno, Nevada, USA.
The report lists the main companies involved in the market: Fuji Electric,
Zorlu Energy, Dogal ELEKTRIK Uretim A.S., Celiker Jeotermal Elektrik Uretim A.S., Ormat Technologies, Enel Green Power, Alterra Power, RARIK Turkison Enerji (RTE), Mannvit, Guris Holding, Hubei Dida Heat Energy Technology,
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) and Toshiba.
Ormat Technologies, Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems and Fuji Electric will be exhibiting at the GRC Annual Meeting & Expo, October 14-17 at the Peppermill Resort Spa Casino, Reno, Nevada, USA.
Kenya: New Substation Enables Geothermal Energy to Power More in Nairobi
President Kenyatta commissions Sh13b substation to boost power supply in Nairobi (Capital FM Kenya)
President Uhuru Kenyatta today commissioned an ultra-modern 220 Kv gas insulated substation to improve the power supply in Nairobi.
The substation, the first of its kind in East and Central Africa, will handle the power coming from the Olkaria Geothermal Power Station and will create an alternative power chain for the city.
The proportion of geothermal capacity increased to 28.43% from 14.8% in 2013, significantly reducing dependence on generation from expensive diesel power plants.
The total number of customers connected stands at 6.7 million translating to a national electricity access of 74% against 27pc in 2013.
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Nairobi, Kenya
USA, Hawaii: Video Update on Efforts to Mitigate Damage at Puna Geothermal Venture
Video: Puna Geothermal Venture Update, After The Lava (Big Island Video News)
(4:12 Minutes)
The Hawaii Emergency Management Agency administrator gave the Puna community an update on Puna Geothermal Venture on Tuesday, as lava is now inundating the facility.
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(4:12 Minutes)
The Hawaii Emergency Management Agency administrator gave the Puna community an update on Puna Geothermal Venture on Tuesday, as lava is now inundating the facility.
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USA, Hawaii: Lava Continues to Move Around Puna Geothermal Venture
Hawaiian Volcano Observatory Status Report (U.S. Geological Survey)
Tuesday, May 29, 2018, 10:28 PM HST (Wednesday, May 30, 2018, 08:28 UTC)
Vigorous eruption of lava continues from the lower East Rift Zone (LERZ) fissure system in the area of Leilani Estates and Lanipuna Gardens.
Fissure 8 remained very active Tuesday afternoon and evening, fountaining to heights of 200 feet at times and feeding a lava flow that advanced atop an existing flow (which was emplaced on Sunday night/Monday morning). After a finger of lava crossed Highway 132 earlier this afternoon near the PGV access road, the bulk of the lava remained on the south side of the highway, roughly paralleling the highway as it moved downslope.
Tuesday, May 29, 2018
Russia: Four-Day Geothermal Conference in Kamchatka
GEOHEAT 2018 - 2nd International Geothermal Conference
Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation Research Geotechnological Center of Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
September 04–07, 2018, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Russia
41 plenary and 12 poster presentations will be presented at the Second International Geothermal Conference GEOHEAT 2018. A total number of participants is expected to be not less than 100 persons.
Preliminary Program and Registration (PDF)............
Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation Research Geotechnological Center of Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
September 04–07, 2018, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Russia
41 plenary and 12 poster presentations will be presented at the Second International Geothermal Conference GEOHEAT 2018. A total number of participants is expected to be not less than 100 persons.
Preliminary Program and Registration (PDF)............
USA, Hawaii: Photo Shows Lava Advancing Through Puna Geothermal Venture
Lava Closes in on Puna Geothermal Venture (Mileka Lincoln - Hawaii News Now reporter)
UPDATE: Per Puna Geothermal Venture publicist: “Essential staff remains on site around-the-clock; non-essentials told not to report to the site. Lava has crossed the main entrance to facility”
UPDATE: Per Puna Geothermal Venture publicist: “Essential staff remains on site around-the-clock; non-essentials told not to report to the site. Lava has crossed the main entrance to facility”
The last update from Hawaiʻi County Civil Defense Agency indicates lava flow from Fissures 7 and 21 continued to advance through PGV property covering one well that was successfully plugged. It’s unclear if it has also passed over a second well that was about 100 feet away at last check. Civil Defense says the situation at PGV is stable, secured, and being monitored. Officials say neither well is expected to release any hydrogen sulfide — which has not been detected on property.
United Kingdom: Video Update on Cornish Geothermal Power Project
United Downs Deep Geothermal Power Project 2018 (Geothermal Engineering Limited)
(Video 3:33 Minutes)
An introduction to the United Downs deep geothermal power project, explaining what is happening in regards to location, geology and technology, watch to find out more about this exciting project in Cornwall.
(Video 3:33 Minutes)
An introduction to the United Downs deep geothermal power project, explaining what is happening in regards to location, geology and technology, watch to find out more about this exciting project in Cornwall.
Turkey: Electricity Generated by Geothermal Energy Increases 35 Percent in a Year
Jeotermalden Elektrik Üretiminde Hızlı Artış - Rapid Increase in Electricity Generation from Geothermal (Enerji Magazin)
Jeotermal santrallerin kurulu kapasite artışı ile santral verimliliklerinin yükselmesi, jeotermale dayalı elektrik üretiminin artışını da beraberinde getirdi. Jeotermal Elektrik Santral Yatırımcıları Derneği (JESDER) Başkanı Ufuk Şentürk, JES’lerin toplam kurulu gücünün 2017 sonu itibariyle 1100 MW’nin üzerine çıktığını ve 2018 yılı itibari ile de 1.155 MWe olduğunu hatırlattı. Şentürk, yılın ilk dört ayında JES’lerde üretilen elektrik miktarında yaşanan artışta toplam JES kurulu gücündeki büyümenin yanı sıra santrallerin daha verimli çalıştırılmasının da etkisi bulunduğunu belirtti.
Ufuk Şentürk, Chairman of JESDER |
(From Google Translate) The increase in installed capacity of geothermal power plants and the increase of power plant efficiency has brought about the increase of geothermal based electricity production (in Turkey). Ufuk Şentürk, Chairman of the Association of Geothermal Power Plant Investors (JESDER), reported that the total installed power of geothermal power plants has increased to 1100 MW at the end of 2017 and is at 1,155 MWe in 2018. Şentürk said that in the first four months of the year, the increase in the amount of electricity generated at geothermal power plants was not only due to the growth in the total geothermal power plants board strength but also because of the more efficient operation of the plants.
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USA, Hawaii: GRC Member Answers Questions on Situation at Puna Geothermal Venture
Geothermal at the foot of Kilauea (Stanford Earth)
Geothermal engineer and GRC Board Member Roland Horne discusses geothermal energy in the face of natural hazards and a way to tap the earth’s heat far from volcanoes in the future.
Local authorities warned that if lava were to reach a well at the Puna Geothermal Venture plant, hydrogen sulfide could be released. Where would that come from?
The source of hydrogen sulfide gas is the volcano itself. In normal operation, steam and hot water circulate through the plant and are reinjected without being released to the atmosphere. However, a breach of an unprotected well could allow the release of the volcano’s gases from the wells.
Would you have any reservations about siting a geothermal plant around a highly active volcano?
Not really. Geothermal plants work best where it’s hot, so a volcano is kind of a good place to put them. And many natural disasters affect power plants. Here in California, fires in 2015 burned cooling towers at the Geysers complex, the world’s largest geothermal facility. In the Philippines, the typhoon that wiped out Tacloban city in 2013 took out three geothermal plants. Blew the cooling towers away.
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Local authorities warned that if lava were to reach a well at the Puna Geothermal Venture plant, hydrogen sulfide could be released. Where would that come from?
The source of hydrogen sulfide gas is the volcano itself. In normal operation, steam and hot water circulate through the plant and are reinjected without being released to the atmosphere. However, a breach of an unprotected well could allow the release of the volcano’s gases from the wells.
Would you have any reservations about siting a geothermal plant around a highly active volcano?
Not really. Geothermal plants work best where it’s hot, so a volcano is kind of a good place to put them. And many natural disasters affect power plants. Here in California, fires in 2015 burned cooling towers at the Geysers complex, the world’s largest geothermal facility. In the Philippines, the typhoon that wiped out Tacloban city in 2013 took out three geothermal plants. Blew the cooling towers away.
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Netherlands: A Masterplan for Dutch Geothermal Heating
Het Masterplan Aardwarmte Nederland - The Geothermal Heat Master Plan (EBN)
Het Masterplan Aardwarmte Nederland (met als ondertitel ‘een brede basis voor een duurzame warmtevoorziening’) is opgesteld en uitgewerkt door DAGO (Dutch Association Geothermal Operators), Stichting Platform Geothermie, Stichting Warmtenetwerk en EBN, ondersteund door de ministeries van Economische Zaken en Klimaat en Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties. Veel andere partijen waren betrokken via interviews en werksessies.
(From Google Translate) The Geothermal Energy Master Plan (with the subtitle 'a broad basis for a sustainable heat supply') has been drawn up and elaborated by DAGO (Dutch Association of Geothermal Operators), Stichting Platform Geothermie, Stichting Warmtenetwerk and EBN, supported by the Ministries of Economic Affairs and Climate and Home Affairs and Kingdom Relations. Many other parties were involved through interviews and work sessions.
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Mexico: Geothermal Industry Awards to be Made at GEOLAC
Announcing GEOLAC Project Awards (News Release)
Global Geothermal News is pleased to be a Lead Content Partner and the Geothermal Resources Council as a Partner for the GEOLAC conference.
New Energy Events, the organizers of the Geothermal Congress for Latin America and the Caribbean (GEOLAC), are pleased to announce a collaboration with ThinkGeoEnergy to recognize excellence in the development of geothermal across the region over a five year period.
Geothermal industry awards will be made across the following categories: Best Project, Best Financing Program, Best Project – Social and Environmental Impact, Best Government Geothermal Program, and Geothermal Leadership MVP.
The GEOLAC Project Award winners will be decided by an industry-leading Advisory Committee, including GRC Members.
Project awards will be judged across a series of criteria, including: innovative approaches to development, value to investors and customers, and social and environmental impact.
All entries must be received by June 8, 2018. The Awards will be announced at GEOLAC 2018 which will take place in Mexico City from July 17th-18th.
All entries must be made on the official GEOLAC Project Award submission form. For more information on project award criteria, and questions on how to submit for an award, please contact Julie Taylor at jtaylor@newenergyevents.com.
Global Geothermal News is pleased to be a Lead Content Partner and the Geothermal Resources Council as a Partner for the GEOLAC conference.
New Energy Events, the organizers of the Geothermal Congress for Latin America and the Caribbean (GEOLAC), are pleased to announce a collaboration with ThinkGeoEnergy to recognize excellence in the development of geothermal across the region over a five year period.
Geothermal industry awards will be made across the following categories: Best Project, Best Financing Program, Best Project – Social and Environmental Impact, Best Government Geothermal Program, and Geothermal Leadership MVP.
The GEOLAC Project Award winners will be decided by an industry-leading Advisory Committee, including GRC Members.
Project awards will be judged across a series of criteria, including: innovative approaches to development, value to investors and customers, and social and environmental impact.
All entries must be received by June 8, 2018. The Awards will be announced at GEOLAC 2018 which will take place in Mexico City from July 17th-18th.
All entries must be made on the official GEOLAC Project Award submission form. For more information on project award criteria, and questions on how to submit for an award, please contact Julie Taylor at jtaylor@newenergyevents.com.
USA, Utah: Rocky Mountain Power Seeking Cost-Competitive Bids for Geothermal Energy
Rocky Mountain Power Opens RFP for Solar and Other Renewable Energy Projects in Utah (News Release)
In response to broad demand from communities and businesses for electric power from renewable energy sources, Rocky Mountain Power is seeking cost-competitive bids for solar, wind and geothermal energy projects in Utah to interconnect to the PacifiCorp system.
Customers sponsoring the request for proposal include Park City, Salt Lake City, Summit County, Park City Mountain Resort, Deer Valley Resort, and Utah Valley University, which are all working with Rocky Mountain Power to meet their clean air and sustainability goals through renewable energy.
The company is seeking proposals for 308,000 megawatt hours of power generation, which equates to approximately 40 MW of geothermal capacity or approximately 100 to 126 MW of wind or solar capacity. This is enough electricity to power about 34,000 typical homes in Utah.
Science & Technology: Harnessing Geothermal Power from Magma - A History of Exploration
The Quest for Magma (Inside Science)
Drilling directly into magma may help humanity harness a vast new source of clean energy
Plunging tools into glowing-hot magma miles underground might sound fantastical. But in recent years, a handful of geothermal energy companies have done so without meaning to. The first documented case was actually at the Puna Geothermal Venture in Hawaii in 2005 -- the same plant that has been scrambling this month to remove flammable chemicals and shut its wells before lava pours in from Kilauea's ongoing eruption.
All the companies that struck magma were trying to find hot water that they could use to drive turbines, the traditional way of producing geothermal energy. Instead, their drill bits ground to a halt, unable to cut through the thick, sticky mush of molten rock.
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Drilling directly into magma may help humanity harness a vast new source of clean energy
Plunging tools into glowing-hot magma miles underground might sound fantastical. But in recent years, a handful of geothermal energy companies have done so without meaning to. The first documented case was actually at the Puna Geothermal Venture in Hawaii in 2005 -- the same plant that has been scrambling this month to remove flammable chemicals and shut its wells before lava pours in from Kilauea's ongoing eruption.
All the companies that struck magma were trying to find hot water that they could use to drive turbines, the traditional way of producing geothermal energy. Instead, their drill bits ground to a halt, unable to cut through the thick, sticky mush of molten rock.
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China: Seven Kilometer Deep Well Could Tap Geothermal Energy Resources
Asia's deepest scientific drilling program completed (China Plus)
A scientific drilling program in northeast China's Heilongjiang Province, called the Songke Second Drilling Well, has just completed an exercise that successfully reached 7,018 meters underground, reports People's Daily.
Aside from the technical achievement of the drilling itself, the program has highlighted the potential for the Songliao Basin to be a site for deep shale gas extraction or geothermal energy production. Samples drawn from the drill site have also provided evidence of what the climate was like during the Cretaceous period 145 to 65 million years ago.
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Heilongjiang, China
USA, Hawaii: Ormat has Insurance Coverage of up to $100 Million in Event of Volcanic Eruptions
Ormat Provides an Update on the Puna Power Plant in Hawaii Following the Kilauea Volcanic Eruption (News Release)
Ormat Technologies Inc. provides an update on the Puna geothermal power plant located about 15 miles away from the Kilauea volcano, which erupted on May 3, 2018 and which continues to erupt and flow lava.
On Sunday afternoon, May 27th (Hawaiian time), the approaching lava covered the wellheads of two geothermal wells. The company cannot assess at this stage the extent of the damage to the future functionality of these wells. The lava continues to flow and may reach other wells and areas of the Puna facility.
Ormat has property and business interruption insurance policies that include insurance coverage in a combined amount of up to $100 million in the event of volcanic eruptions and earthquake. The Company is working with its insurance broker and has provided notice to its insurance carriers regarding the situation at Puna.
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Ormat Technologies Inc. provides an update on the Puna geothermal power plant located about 15 miles away from the Kilauea volcano, which erupted on May 3, 2018 and which continues to erupt and flow lava.
On Sunday afternoon, May 27th (Hawaiian time), the approaching lava covered the wellheads of two geothermal wells. The company cannot assess at this stage the extent of the damage to the future functionality of these wells. The lava continues to flow and may reach other wells and areas of the Puna facility.
Ormat has property and business interruption insurance policies that include insurance coverage in a combined amount of up to $100 million in the event of volcanic eruptions and earthquake. The Company is working with its insurance broker and has provided notice to its insurance carriers regarding the situation at Puna.
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USA, Hawaii: Valves on Top of the Plugged Puna Geothermal Venture Wells Can Withstand 2,000-Degree Lava
Puna Geothermal Venture deemed stable after lava covers two wells (KHON2)
Lava crossed into Puna Geothermal Venture (PGV) property Saturday night into Sunday and by Monday, Hawaii County Civil Defense confirmed, it had covered two wells, KS-5 and KS-6.
Two wells at Puna Geothermal Venture are now covered by lava.
Lava crossed into Puna Geothermal Venture (PGV) property Saturday night into Sunday and by Monday, Hawaii County Civil Defense confirmed, it had covered two wells, KS-5 and KS-6.
Officials say the flow on the property has since stopped, and there was no release of hydrogen sulfide gas during the event.
"We developed a strategy, which was to quench the well, plug the well, and remove topside equipment from the well so that it produces a low-profile to the oncoming lava, and we've accomplished that on all three production wells on pad E," Thomas Travis, Hawaii Emergency Management Agency administrator, and one of the people appointed by the governor to oversee the process of securing PGV, said on Sunday.
"All three of those wells have been plugged," he added. "Two of those wells have been quenched. We had to do a different kind of plug on KS-14, but it is plugged and all of the wells, presenting minimum interference to the lava. They're all close to the ground and covered, so the lava should go right over them."
We're told the valves on the top of the wells can easily withstand 2,000-degree lava.
USA, Hawaii: Lava Flow Reaches Puna Geothermal Venture Property
Hawaiian Volcano Observatory Status Report (U.S. Geological Survey)
Monday, May 28, 2018, 10:59 PM HST (Tuesday, May 29, 2018, 08:59 UTC)
Vigorous eruption of lava continues from the lower East Rift Zone (LERZ) fissure system in the area of Leilani Estates and Lanipuna Gardens.
Late this afternoon, vigorous fountaining resumed at Fissure 8, spawning a fast moving flow that moved north along Luana Street. As of 10:00 PM HST the flow front had reached within 300 yards of Kahukai street. The flow is traveling an estimated 20 yards per hour to the northeast. An overflight early this evening showed that Fissures 16, 18, 22,13, and 20 were active, with a flow moving south from Fissures 16/18.
Monday, May 28, 2018
Global Geothermal Photo Contest
The Geothermal Resources Council Announces 2018 Amateur Photo Contest (News Release)
The 39th Amateur Photo Contest winners will be announced at the GRC Annual Meeting in Reno, Nevada, USA.
The Geothermal Resources Council (GRC) is pleased to announce this year’s Amateur Photo Contest. The purpose of the contest is to showcase quality photography featuring geothermal energy around the world.
The winners will be announced at the GRC Annual Meeting & Expo being held in Reno, Nevada, USA from October 14-17.
The first place winner will receive $150, second place - $100, and third place - $75. Honorable Mention photos will receive certificates.
Photographs on any subject related to geothermal energy can be submitted such as geothermal energy production, Enhanced Geothermal systems (EGS), direct use and geothermal heat pumps. These can include photos of well testing, drilling, operation of geothermal equipment, newly developed equipment, or plant operation, construction of a geothermal plant or plant site, and geological areas or surface manifestations (holding potential for geothermal exploration or development). New this year are acceptance of "GIFs" - short animated movies of a few seconds each.
More information on the GRC Amateur Photo Contest, including a submission form, can be found on the GRC website. The deadline for submissions is August 24, 2018.
The 39th Amateur Photo Contest winners will be announced at the GRC Annual Meeting in Reno, Nevada, USA.
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Midnight Heat, by Hreinn Hjartarson, Husavik, Iceland. Honorable Mention, 2017 Photo Contest. |
The Geothermal Resources Council (GRC) is pleased to announce this year’s Amateur Photo Contest. The purpose of the contest is to showcase quality photography featuring geothermal energy around the world.
The winners will be announced at the GRC Annual Meeting & Expo being held in Reno, Nevada, USA from October 14-17.
The first place winner will receive $150, second place - $100, and third place - $75. Honorable Mention photos will receive certificates.
Photographs on any subject related to geothermal energy can be submitted such as geothermal energy production, Enhanced Geothermal systems (EGS), direct use and geothermal heat pumps. These can include photos of well testing, drilling, operation of geothermal equipment, newly developed equipment, or plant operation, construction of a geothermal plant or plant site, and geological areas or surface manifestations (holding potential for geothermal exploration or development). New this year are acceptance of "GIFs" - short animated movies of a few seconds each.
More information on the GRC Amateur Photo Contest, including a submission form, can be found on the GRC website. The deadline for submissions is August 24, 2018.
Friday, May 25, 2018
Global: $15,000 in Educational Awards Available to Eight Students in Global Geothermal Energy Community
2018 Geothermal Resources Council Scholarships - Deadline is Today (News Release)
Applications must be received by Midnight tonight - Friday May 25, 2018 to be considered.
The Geothermal Resources Council (GRC), a non-profit educational association dedicated to the promotion of geothermal energy and associated technologies around the world, has announced the following changes to the 2018 GRC Scholarship Awards:
The Geothermal Resources Council (GRC), a non-profit educational association dedicated to the promotion of geothermal energy and associated technologies around the world, has announced the following changes to the 2018 GRC Scholarship Awards:
Make Sure of Your Booth at the Geothermal Energy Event of the Year
GRC Annual Meeting & Expo - A Geothermal Event!
14-17 October, 2018, Peppermill Resort Spa Casino, Reno, Nevada, USA
35 exhibitors - so far - have signed up for the geothermal energy event of the year:
In conjunction with the prestigious Annual Meeting, the GRC will also host an expo in which companies can promote projects, equipment, services, and technology to leading geothermal energy scientists, producers, renewable energy industry stakeholders, regulators, utilities, and key associated business leaders around the world.
Contact Ann Lay Email: alay@geothermal.org, Phone: (530) 758-2360 ext. 100 if you have any questions.
14-17 October, 2018, Peppermill Resort Spa Casino, Reno, Nevada, USA
35 exhibitors - so far - have signed up for the geothermal energy event of the year:
AMSA, Inc. | 521 | Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems & Turboden | 508 & 510 & 512 |
BS&B Safety Systems, LLC | 206 | NALCO Water | 311 & 313 |
C-FER Technologies (1999) Inc. | 320 & 322 | Nevada Division of Minerals | 406 |
Case M&I | 535 | Ormat Technologies, Inc. | 400 |
Coastal Technologies Inc. | 415 | Paul Graham Drilling | 410 & 412 |
Cooling Tower Depot | 318 | Phoenix Geophysics Ltd. | 615 |
Croll-Reynolds & Tsurumi Pump | 531 & 533 | POWER Engineers, Inc. | 514 |
Dewhurst Group, LLC | 525 & 523 | PowerChem | 324 & 225 |
EvapTech, Inc. | 307 | Quantec Geoscience Limited | 619 |
Expro Group | 231 & 330 | Scientific Drilling | 500 |
Fuji Electric | 414 & 315 | Seequent | 613 |
Gardner Denver Nash | 411 | Sinclair Well Products | 519 |
GEODEEP | 219 | Suez Renewable | 413 |
Geothermal Resources Council | Thermochem, Inc. | 706 & 607 | |
GeothermEx | 506 & 407 | TNG Energy | 210 & 212 & 214 |
Horizon Well Logging | 334 | U.S. Bureau of Land Management | 408 |
Indar Electric | 332 | Well Analysis Corporation | 632 & 634 |
In conjunction with the prestigious Annual Meeting, the GRC will also host an expo in which companies can promote projects, equipment, services, and technology to leading geothermal energy scientists, producers, renewable energy industry stakeholders, regulators, utilities, and key associated business leaders around the world.
Contact Ann Lay Email: alay@geothermal.org, Phone: (530) 758-2360 ext. 100 if you have any questions.
Thursday, May 24, 2018
Geothermal Energy News from Around the World
Global Geothermal News - Weekly Update
A Round-up of this week's geothermal energy news.......
Click on the links to view the whole story and other news on Global Geothermal News.
This weekly summary of Global Geothermal News has been made available, once again, to all our friends in the international geothermal energy community. However, if you wish to take advantage of the many other benefits of membership of the Geothermal Resources Council, please join our association.......... - To those of you who are GRC Members - Thank you for your support!
A Round-up of this week's geothermal energy news.......
Click on the links to view the whole story and other news on Global Geothermal News.
This weekly summary of Global Geothermal News has been made available, once again, to all our friends in the international geothermal energy community. However, if you wish to take advantage of the many other benefits of membership of the Geothermal Resources Council, please join our association.......... - To those of you who are GRC Members - Thank you for your support!
Kenya: AUC Awards Grant to Fund Geothermal Exploration in Western Kenya
Homa Bay geothermal firm gets exploration millions (Business Daily Africa)
Kenya renewable energy firm Capital Power has secured $720,000 (about Sh72.6 million) from the African Union Commission (AUC) for a 140 megawatts (MW) geothermal prospect in Homa Bay County.
Director Tony Wanyama said the funds will be used to conduct a surface study and infrastructure upgrade programme at the Homa Hill.
The grant represents 80 per cent of the total cost of the surface exploration at $1.07 million (about Sh107.9 million).
Capital Power will conduct the studies starting this year, with the commissioning of the power plant expected by 2023.
Germany: Continuing Deep Geothermal Energy Development May Require Government Aid
Tiefengeothermie: Hohe Risiken blockieren Bohrungen - Deep geothermal energy: high risks block drilling (Bizz-Energy)
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Deep geothermal drilling in Trebur, Hessen. Photo: Creative Commons / Ben Gasoline. |
Die Erdwärmenutzung durch oberflächennahe Bohrungen nimmt zu, aber die potenzialreiche Tiefengeothermie stagniert. Nun fordert die Branche Anschubhilfe vom Staat.
(From Google Translate) The use of geothermal energy through near-surface drilling is increasing, but the potential-rich deep geothermal energy is stagnating. Now the industry is calling for start-up aid from the state.
Some swear by the potential of an inexhaustible source of energy, while others warn against self-generated earthquakes, toxic gases and radioactivity. As controversial as the use of heat from deep wells is, their reality is modest: according to the German Geothermal Association, there are just 36 power plants in Germany that are known as deep geothermal energy. Its 35 megawatts (MW) electric power equals twelve modern wind turbines. The heat output of 315 MW looks a bit more impressive, it roughly corresponds to the power of three modern gas-fired power plants. Although there are plans for around 30 other plants, there are currently only two under construction. One in the Bavarian Holzkirchen, the other in Munich.
Thanks to Bernhard Welker for the lead.
geothermal plant,
geothermal power,
Mexico: Two Day Conference on Geothermal Energy in Latin America
5th Geothermal Congress for Latin America and the Caribbean (GEOLAC)
Global Geothermal News is pleased to be a Lead Content Partner and the Geothermal Resources Council as a Partner for the GEOLAC conference.
July 17-18, 2018, Mexico City, Mexico
Co-hosted by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and The World Bank, and featuring high level participation from SENER, this year’s event will gather governments, utilities, multilaterals, developers and capital providers to map the role of geothermal across LAC’s rapidly changing energy matrix, showcase emerging opportunities for investment, pinpoint regional obstacles, and highlight new sources of funding.
More Information..........
Global Geothermal News is pleased to be a Lead Content Partner and the Geothermal Resources Council as a Partner for the GEOLAC conference.
July 17-18, 2018, Mexico City, Mexico
Co-hosted by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and The World Bank, and featuring high level participation from SENER, this year’s event will gather governments, utilities, multilaterals, developers and capital providers to map the role of geothermal across LAC’s rapidly changing energy matrix, showcase emerging opportunities for investment, pinpoint regional obstacles, and highlight new sources of funding.
More Information..........
Geothermal Energy Event of the Year - Essential Information
GRC Annual Meeting & Expo - A Geothermal Event!
14-17 October, 2018
Peppermill Resort Spa Casino, Reno, Nevada, USA
Nearly 1,000 attendees came to the 2017 GRC Annual Meeting and Expo from 35 different countries around the world, highlighting the GRC’s role in connecting the global community. With increasing interest in geothermal as a reliable source of renewable energy providing both flexible and baseload power production around the world, the GRC is looking ahead to an even stronger international attendance in 2018.
- Make your hotel room reservation........ Discount ends September 19th.
- Reserve your Expo booth.......... Make sure of a prime spot!
- Submit your best geothermal photos!........... Deadline for Photo Contest is August 24th.
Canada: Good Graphic of Saskatchewan Geothermal Power Project
Canada's first-ever geothermal power plant in the works for Torquay area (Saskatoon StarPhoenix)
An underground aquifer could one day power hundreds of thousands of Saskatchewan homes. The project will be the first attempt to generate commercially viable electricity through geothermal power in Canada.
Iceland: Another Successful Geothermal Energy Master’s Thesis!
MSc Thesis: Steady State Numerical Modelling of Los Humeros Geothermal Field (Iceland School of Energy)
Scherezade Diaz Martos successfully defends her master’s thesis
At the beginning of this month, Scherezade Diaz Martos, MSc in Sustainable Energy successfully defended her master’s thesis project, in which she conducted a steady state numerical modelling of the Los Humeros geothermal field.
Scherezade was supervised by Juliet Newson from Reykjavik University. Michael John O´Sullivan from the University of Auckland was present as an examiner.
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Scherezade Diaz Martos successfully defends her master’s thesis
At the beginning of this month, Scherezade Diaz Martos, MSc in Sustainable Energy successfully defended her master’s thesis project, in which she conducted a steady state numerical modelling of the Los Humeros geothermal field.
Scherezade was supervised by Juliet Newson from Reykjavik University. Michael John O´Sullivan from the University of Auckland was present as an examiner.
Read More.........
USA, Hawaii: Close-Up View of Conditions At Puna Geothermal Venture
Hawaiian Volcano Observatory Status Report (U.S. Geological Survey)
Wednesday, May 23, 2018, 10:46 PM HST (Thursday, May 24, 2018, 08:46 UTC)
Eruption of lava and ground cracking continues in the area of Leilani Estates and Lanipuna Gardens subdivision.
The middle portion of the fissure system continues to produce the most robust eruptive activity in the Lower East Rift Zone. The fountains from Fissure 22 feed a single lava channel that reaches the coast just north of MacKenzie State Park. The actual point of entry has continued shifting to the west. Fountains erupted from Fissures 5, 6, 13, and 19 continued to feed a lava flow advancing to the south along the west side of Fissure 22 flows that reached the ocean late this afternoon.There are now two ocean entry points that produce occasional small explosions.
Volcanic gas emissions remain very high from the fissure eruptions.
More Information.........
Wednesday, May 23, 2018, 10:46 PM HST (Thursday, May 24, 2018, 08:46 UTC)
Eruption of lava and ground cracking continues in the area of Leilani Estates and Lanipuna Gardens subdivision.
The middle portion of the fissure system continues to produce the most robust eruptive activity in the Lower East Rift Zone. The fountains from Fissure 22 feed a single lava channel that reaches the coast just north of MacKenzie State Park. The actual point of entry has continued shifting to the west. Fountains erupted from Fissures 5, 6, 13, and 19 continued to feed a lava flow advancing to the south along the west side of Fissure 22 flows that reached the ocean late this afternoon.There are now two ocean entry points that produce occasional small explosions.
Volcanic gas emissions remain very high from the fissure eruptions.
More Information.........
USA, Hawaii: Lava Wall is Blocking Molten Rock from Flowing North Toward Puna Geothermal Venture
Lava wall protecting geothermal plant (KITV Honolulu)
(Video 1:39 Minutes)
Officials say lava spatter from Hawaii's erupting volcano is creating a wall that's helping protect a nearby geothermal plant.
Officials say lava spatter from Hawaii's erupting volcano is creating a wall that's helping protect a nearby geothermal plant.
U.S. Geological Survey scientist Wendy Stovall said Wednesday that lava erupting from a vent closest to Puna Geothermal Venture is shooting higher than lava coming out of other vents. She says it's also producing the highest lava wall, which is blocking molten rock from flowing north toward the plant.
Residents have been concerned about hazards if lava flowed over the plant's facilities or if the molten rock heated chemicals at the plant. Lava from the eruption on the Big Island is primarily flowing south toward the ocean.
Officials shut down Puna Geothermal shortly after Kilauea began erupting on May 3. On Tuesday, officials finished plugging wells that bring up hot liquid and steam that feed a turbine generator.
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