Solar, Geothermal Combined for Nevada Facility (Power Engineering)
SolarWorld Americas Inc. supplied solar panels totaling 14.2 MW for a project in Nevada that combines solar and geothermal power generation.
The project at Patua, 40 miles east of Reno, placed a solar array side by side with a 25 MW binary geothermal production plant to take advantage of solar’s peak performance periods at times when the geothermal is comparatively less efficient during the daytime and summer.
While not the first, SolarWorld Americas claims the project is the biggest of its kind.
On an AC basis, the 2-year-old Patua geothermal installation is about 25 MW and the brand-new solar plant, dedicated today, is 10 MW.
Hunt Electric Co., headquartered in Salt Lake City, provided engineering, procurement and construction for the project. Also based in Salt Lake City, Cyrq Energy, a renewable-energy developer and owner focusing on geothermal energy, is the project’s owner-operator. Energy production goes to Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD).
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Cyrq Energy will be exhibiting at the GRC Annual Meeting & GEA GeoExpo+ from October 1-4 in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.
Thursday, August 31, 2017
Canada: Geothermal Energy to “Grow a Whole Community”
Sustainaville – Canada’s First Geopark (energyfutureslab)
Geothermal energy will transform Valemount by providing locally grown food using geothermal greenhouses, micro-power for commercial uses, and heat for eco-tourism attractions such as Hot Pools, all with minimal carbon footprint. In the third phase of the development, the project will generate 15 MW of power for the community and to the grid, eliminating the current and constant issue of brownouts in the community.
The Sustainaville GeoPark has been designed to build on the success of world class projects in Iceland, USA and Kenya which are using geothermal systems to support industrial processes, commercial applications and households.
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Geothermal energy will transform Valemount by providing locally grown food using geothermal greenhouses, micro-power for commercial uses, and heat for eco-tourism attractions such as Hot Pools, all with minimal carbon footprint. In the third phase of the development, the project will generate 15 MW of power for the community and to the grid, eliminating the current and constant issue of brownouts in the community.
The Sustainaville GeoPark has been designed to build on the success of world class projects in Iceland, USA and Kenya which are using geothermal systems to support industrial processes, commercial applications and households.
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USA, Colorado: Register for Geothermal Technologies Office Peer Review
2017 Geothermal Technologies Office Peer Review (GTO)
Monday, November 13 – Wednesday, November 15, 2017
DoubleTree by Hilton, Stapleton North in Denver, Colorado
The Geothermal Technologies Office (GTO) Peer Review offers geothermal stakeholders an opportunity to learn about the projects funded by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) across a wide spectrum of technical complexity and funding magnitude—from research and development, to demonstration and analysis. The event also opens a dialogue with respected researchers in geophysics, geochemistry, modeling, tools, and more.
Regularly, GTO conducts this rigorous review by independent, qualified peers to assess key achievements in geothermal development and to meet strategic DOE guidelines. Each project represents a growing technology sector in Enhanced Geothermal Systems, Conventional Hydrothermal, Low-Temperature and Co-Produced Resources, and Systems Analysis.
More Information and Registration........
Monday, November 13 – Wednesday, November 15, 2017
DoubleTree by Hilton, Stapleton North in Denver, Colorado
The Geothermal Technologies Office (GTO) Peer Review offers geothermal stakeholders an opportunity to learn about the projects funded by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) across a wide spectrum of technical complexity and funding magnitude—from research and development, to demonstration and analysis. The event also opens a dialogue with respected researchers in geophysics, geochemistry, modeling, tools, and more.
Regularly, GTO conducts this rigorous review by independent, qualified peers to assess key achievements in geothermal development and to meet strategic DOE guidelines. Each project represents a growing technology sector in Enhanced Geothermal Systems, Conventional Hydrothermal, Low-Temperature and Co-Produced Resources, and Systems Analysis.
More Information and Registration........
Europe: News from the European Geothermal Energy Council
EGEC Newsletter
News from the European Geothermal Energy Council (EGEC)
News from the European Geothermal Energy Council (EGEC)
- Clean Energy Package: EP amendments under discussion
- EGEC’s Task Forces at work on district heating, heat pumps and market design
- Turboden to supply 2.3 MWe plant to egg producer in Turkey
- Plans to develop a new geothermal system in Glasgow
- New Master in Geothermal Engineering, Cranfield University
- Heating and Cooling: Facts and figures
- Deep Geothermal ETIP project officially kicked-off its activities
- GEMex part of 12 EU funded projects to strengthen geothermal development
- Pre-feasibility studies for geothermal energy in Poland (EEA Project)
- GEOTHERMICA project receives 35 submissions
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Ecuador: Drilling Commences at Chachimbiro Geothermal Energy Project
Inician actividades para la primera perforación geotérmica en el país
- First geothermal drilling in the country begins (News Release)
Un hito importante en la generación de electricidad con fuentes renovables de energía, marcará el Proyecto Geotérmico Chachimbiro, con el inicio de operaciones de la primera perforación geotérmica del país, luego de la logística que significó la movilización del taladro y accesorios hasta el sitio de la plataforma.
(Google Translation) An important milestone in the generation of electricity with renewable energy sources has been achieved with the country's first geothermal drilling at the Chachimbiro Geothermal Project, after the delivery of drilling and accessories to the site of the platform.
- First geothermal drilling in the country begins (News Release)
Un hito importante en la generación de electricidad con fuentes renovables de energía, marcará el Proyecto Geotérmico Chachimbiro, con el inicio de operaciones de la primera perforación geotérmica del país, luego de la logística que significó la movilización del taladro y accesorios hasta el sitio de la plataforma.
(Google Translation) An important milestone in the generation of electricity with renewable energy sources has been achieved with the country's first geothermal drilling at the Chachimbiro Geothermal Project, after the delivery of drilling and accessories to the site of the platform.
From the Global Geothermal News archives:
- Thursday, February 18, 2016 - Ecuador: Pre-Feasibility Study at Chachimbiro Geothermal Project to Begin in April
- Monday, December 14, 2015 - Ecuador: Access Improved for Chachimbiro Geothermal Project
Thailand: Volunteer Needed for Map Geothermal Power Plants in Asia and the Pacific
Research Geothermal Power-plant and Energy Potential Data in Asia Pacific Region (UN ESCAP Thailand)
Volunteer needed for 6-10 hours per week over 5 weeks
The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP) is mapping power plants across Asia and the Pacific, uploading new open access data to the Asia Pacific Energy Portal in support of knowledge sharing activities. This data enables ESCAP to capture a full picture of the energy sector and its development over time.
As a volunteer, you will be contributing data to our interactive energy infrastructure maps. The focus for this opportunity is on power plants in Asia and the Pacific. You will be asked to review an existing data set of geothermal power-plants, identify new power-plants, and fill in gaps in metadata. Additionally, you will be tasked with identifying geothermal energy potential maps that could be used by the portal for future analysis. You will be provided a set of instructions and can communicate with the ESCAP team through Slack and Trello platforms. Skype calls will also be necessary over the period of this work.
More Information.........
Volunteer needed for 6-10 hours per week over 5 weeks
The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP) is mapping power plants across Asia and the Pacific, uploading new open access data to the Asia Pacific Energy Portal in support of knowledge sharing activities. This data enables ESCAP to capture a full picture of the energy sector and its development over time.
As a volunteer, you will be contributing data to our interactive energy infrastructure maps. The focus for this opportunity is on power plants in Asia and the Pacific. You will be asked to review an existing data set of geothermal power-plants, identify new power-plants, and fill in gaps in metadata. Additionally, you will be tasked with identifying geothermal energy potential maps that could be used by the portal for future analysis. You will be provided a set of instructions and can communicate with the ESCAP team through Slack and Trello platforms. Skype calls will also be necessary over the period of this work.
More Information.........
USA, California: Legislation Would Phase Out Fossil Fuels by 2045
California's goal: an electricity grid moving only clean energy (Los Angeles Times)
California currently has an installed capacity of 2,716 megawatts of geothermal energy
California lawmakers are considering a future without the use of fossil fuels to generate electricity, a step that would boost the renewable energy industry and expand the scope of the state’s battle against global warming.
If approved at the end of the legislative session next month, the proposal (Senate Bill 100) would eventually ensure only clean energy moves through the state’s electricity grid, a goal nearly unmatched anywhere in the world.
It would accelerate the adoption of renewable energy by requiring utilities and other electricity providers to obtain 60% of their power from resources such as the sun and wind (and geothermal) by 2030. Then it would task regulators with phasing out fossil fuels for the remaining 40% by 2045.
The goal: Less than three decades from now, no coal or natural gas would be burned when Californians charge their electric cars, run their air conditioners or flip on their lights.
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California currently has an installed capacity of 2,716 megawatts of geothermal energy
California lawmakers are considering a future without the use of fossil fuels to generate electricity, a step that would boost the renewable energy industry and expand the scope of the state’s battle against global warming.
If approved at the end of the legislative session next month, the proposal (Senate Bill 100) would eventually ensure only clean energy moves through the state’s electricity grid, a goal nearly unmatched anywhere in the world.
It would accelerate the adoption of renewable energy by requiring utilities and other electricity providers to obtain 60% of their power from resources such as the sun and wind (and geothermal) by 2030. Then it would task regulators with phasing out fossil fuels for the remaining 40% by 2045.
The goal: Less than three decades from now, no coal or natural gas would be burned when Californians charge their electric cars, run their air conditioners or flip on their lights.
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California, USA
Iceland: Drilling Completed at 90 MW Þeistareykjum Geothermal Power Project
Borunum lokið á Þeistareykjum - The bore finished at Theistareykir (Mannvit)
Borunum fyrir jarðgufu er lokið og prófanir að hefjast á fyrri vélasamstæðu. Með núverandi borholum er búið að tryggja nægjanlega orku fyrir 90 MW jarðvarmavirkjun að Þeistareykjum. Boraðar hafa verið 10 holur á síðustu tveim árum, þar af ein í Kröflu, og er heildarfjöldi borholna á Þeistareykjum orðinn 18. Mannvit hefur séð um holutoppshönnun og aðstoðað við eftirlit í borunum. Mannvit, í gegnum dótturfélag sitt Mannvit-Verkís, sér einnig um hönnun tengingar við gufuveitu sem hluta af heildarhönnun virkjunarinnar. Gufuveitan er komin í rekstur og er verið nota hana til undirbúnings gangsetningar á fyrri vélasamstæðu.
Borunum fyrir jarðgufu er lokið og prófanir að hefjast á fyrri vélasamstæðu. Með núverandi borholum er búið að tryggja nægjanlega orku fyrir 90 MW jarðvarmavirkjun að Þeistareykjum. Boraðar hafa verið 10 holur á síðustu tveim árum, þar af ein í Kröflu, og er heildarfjöldi borholna á Þeistareykjum orðinn 18. Mannvit hefur séð um holutoppshönnun og aðstoðað við eftirlit í borunum. Mannvit, í gegnum dótturfélag sitt Mannvit-Verkís, sér einnig um hönnun tengingar við gufuveitu sem hluta af heildarhönnun virkjunarinnar. Gufuveitan er komin í rekstur og er verið nota hana til undirbúnings gangsetningar á fyrri vélasamstæðu.
(Google Translation) Drilling for geothermal gas is completed and tests are started on a previous engine assembly. With existing wells, sufficient power for the 90 MW geothermal power plant has been secured to Theistareykir. A total of 10 wells have been drilled in the last two years, one of which is in Krafla, and 18 in Þeistareykir. Mannvit has handled hollow design and assisted in surveillance in the drilling. Mannvit, through its subsidiary Mannvit-Verkís, also deals with the design of connections to steam supply as part of the overall design of the power plant. The steam generator has been operational and is used for preparation of startups on the previous engine assembly.
Lestu meira........ Read More.......
From the Global geothermal News archives.......
From the Global geothermal News archives.......
- Thursday, January 5, 2017 - Iceland: Video of the Arrival of Parts for the Þeistareykir Geothermal Power Project
- Monday, December 19, 2016 - Iceland: Turbine and Generator for the Þeistareykir Power Station Delivered
- Thursday, June 9, 2016 - Iceland: European Investment Bank Funds 90 MWe Þeistareykir Geothermal Power Station
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Þeistareykir, Iceland
Wednesday, August 30, 2017
St Lucia: Public Consultations Announced for Soufriere Geothermal Project
Gov’t announces public consultations on Saint Lucia’s Geothermal Resource Development Project (News Release)
This assessment will provide information that will inform decisions as to whether the Government should proceed to the next stage of the geothermal programme – the exploratory drilling phase.
The Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA), which entails a preliminary assessment of environmental and social impacts associated with the exploratory drilling phase of the project, is currently in progress and is to be completed by January of 2018. Also underway is a pre-feasibility study which entails initial financial, economic, legal and power systems evaluations is expected to be completed by December 2017.
The consultation is scheduled to take place in the following key areas:
- Fond St. Jacques – Thursday August 31st, 2017 at the Resource Center at 7:00p.m.
- Belle Plaine – Saturday September 2nd, 2017 at the Belle Vue Farmers Cooperative at 6:00p.m.
- Saltibus – Sunday September 3rd, 2017 at 3:00p.m. at the Saltibus Primary School.
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St Lucia
All the Entries in Prestigious Geothermal Energy Photo Competition
GRC Amateur Geothermal Photo Contest 2017
All 100 entries in the GRC Photo Contest.
All the photos will be on display at the 41st GRC Annual Meeting & GEA GeoExpo+ from October 1-4 at the Salt Palace Convention Center, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. The winners will be announced in late September.
All 100 entries in the GRC Photo Contest.

All the photos will be on display at the 41st GRC Annual Meeting & GEA GeoExpo+ from October 1-4 at the Salt Palace Convention Center, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. The winners will be announced in late September.
Papua New Guinea: Employment as Geothermal Reservoir Engineer
Vacancy - Geothermal Reservoir Engineer (Newcrest Mining Limited)
Lihir Operations, Lihir Island - Papua New Guinea
We are currently seeking a Geothermal Reservoir Engineer to support geothermal resource management activities at our Lihir open pit mine in Papua New Guinea.
Reporting directly to the Geothermal Superintendent your duties may include:
Overseeing the successful implementation of well testing programs;
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Lihir Operations, Lihir Island - Papua New Guinea
We are currently seeking a Geothermal Reservoir Engineer to support geothermal resource management activities at our Lihir open pit mine in Papua New Guinea.
Reporting directly to the Geothermal Superintendent your duties may include:
Overseeing the successful implementation of well testing programs;
- Evaluating the reservoir response to pit cooling based on reservoir analysis, in order to understand reservoir characteristics;
- Interpreting the results of well measurements and reporting on production characteristics;
- Managing data quality for modelling purposes; and
- Providing technical mentoring for team members.
Applications close: 12 Sep 2017 West Pacific Standard Time
Central America: Summary of Geothermal Workshop in El Salvador
How to Unlock Some of the World’s Most Promising Geothermal Resources for Electricity Generation (Renewable Energy World)
International cooperation and knowledge sharing are highlighted at geothermal workshop in El Salvador.
(Video 1:05 Minutes)
Supporters of geothermal electricity generation development around the world are pushing for more sharing of knowledge and lessons learned as the key to building out the significant untapped geothermal resources in regions like Central America.
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El Salvador
Canada: Borealis GeoPower to Start Drilling at Canoe Reach Geothermal Project in October
Geothermal company bends Ministers’ ears; gets ready to drill (The Rocky Mountain Goat)
Borealis GeoPower was in Victoria last week making sure the new Provincial NDP government and the Green Party know about the Canoe Reach geothermal project, as the company moves towards creating the first geothermal power plant in B.C.
Borealis GeoPower was in Victoria last week making sure the new Provincial NDP government and the Green Party know about the Canoe Reach geothermal project, as the company moves towards creating the first geothermal power plant in B.C.
After seven years of exploration and permitting, the company is getting ready to drill a test well this October near the Griffin Sawmill recreation site along Kinbasket Reservoir some 20km south of Valemount.
Last week the company finished installing 10 seismometers that measure natural tremors in the ground. The instruments will help them isolate fault lines as well as give them a baseline of ground movement before they begin drilling. They will remain in place for several years and possibly in perpetuity, Thompson says.
Germany: Updates on Taufkirchen and Landau Geothermal Power Plants
Daldrup & Soehne nears launch of trial ops for German geothermal plants (Renewables Now)
German drilling and environmental services provider Daldrup & Soehne AG said today that two geothermal power plants in Germany are nearing the start of trial operations, and also provided updates on other projects.
Daldrup & Soehne’s subsidiary Geox GmbH has finalised the renovation of the Landau geothermal power plant in the southwestern part of the country and is now getting ready to initiate trial operations at the site in coordination with the relevant regulatory authorities. The company noted that all of the plant’s individual components have already passed testing successfully.
Furthermore, Daldrup expects that manufacturer Kelvion will deliver the first heat exchanger for the Taufkirchen geothermal plant near Munich in September. After installing the equipment, the company would proceed with trial operations, with a plan to conclude the process by the end of the year, it said. A second heat exchanger will become operational in the spring of 2018, thus enabling the facility to move towards operating at full capacity.
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geothermal power,
Landau, Germany
United Kingdom: Government Backs Geothermal Heating Project in Scotland
Scottish Government backs HALO project with £5.3m investment (
Plans for the £65m redevelopment of the former Diageo bottling plant (for Johnnie Walker whisky) in Kilmarnock have received backing from the Scottish Government for a geothermal heating system that will provide low-cost renewable energy to hundreds of affordable homes.
The Government will invest a total of £5.3m in the HALO project , £1.8m of which will come from its Low Carbon Infrastructure Transition Programme. A further £3.5 will go towards the enterprise and innovation hub that sits at the heart of the project.
“As a responsible, progressive nation, Scotland must also continue to demonstrate strong leadership on climate change,” said Economy secretary Keith Brown . “That is why I'm pleased that the Scottish Government will also be able to support our first geothermal heating system in almost two decades, allowing local residents to access low-carbon energy at an affordable price.”
Global Geothermal News - Thursday, August 10, 2017
Tuesday, August 29, 2017
USA: Geothermal Energy Should be Considered as Replacement for Nuclear Energy
If nuclear is not in the future US energy mix, what will replace it? (Utility Dive)
Article does not include geothermal energy in suggestions for replacing nuclear baseload generation
Policy specialists say significant new nuclear generation is unlikely for a decade or more. Many also agree existing nuclear plants should not be replaced by natural gas plants. They split, though, on crucial questions about nuclear power's future, such as whether existing plants should get subsidies like zero emission credits or be replaced, when they should be replaced, and what they should be replaced with.
Article does not include geothermal energy in suggestions for replacing nuclear baseload generation
Policy specialists say significant new nuclear generation is unlikely for a decade or more. Many also agree existing nuclear plants should not be replaced by natural gas plants. They split, though, on crucial questions about nuclear power's future, such as whether existing plants should get subsidies like zero emission credits or be replaced, when they should be replaced, and what they should be replaced with.
USA, Oregon: Workshop to Discuss Drilling Project at Newberry Geothermal Test Facility
Brightest Brains In Geoscience Scheduled To Talk Shop At Newberry Volcano (PNNL)
From September 10-14, 2017 the NEWGEN consortium will hold an international workshop at Oregon State University's Cascades campus in Bend, Oregon.
The workshop, sponsored by the International Continental Drilling Program (ICDP) will invite geoscience experts from around the world to develop a full proposal for drilling one of the hottest wells in the world at the Newberry Geothermal Test Facility.
During this workshop, important scientific questions related to volcanic hazards and geothermal energy will be discussed by more than 40 engineers and scientists.
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Newberry Geothermal Test Facility |
The workshop, sponsored by the International Continental Drilling Program (ICDP) will invite geoscience experts from around the world to develop a full proposal for drilling one of the hottest wells in the world at the Newberry Geothermal Test Facility.
During this workshop, important scientific questions related to volcanic hazards and geothermal energy will be discussed by more than 40 engineers and scientists.
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Kenya: Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems Helps Develop Geothermal Energy at Olkaria
Kenya Is Using The Earth's Heat To Power The Country. Here's How (Mitsubishi Heavy Industries)
Kenya's Maasai people have long been aware of the awesome power of the earth in the area around Hell's Gate National Park. And now the region is experiencing interest from much further afield - in fact it is considered to be one of the most exciting geothermal areas on the planet.
According to Kenya's electricity generating utility KenGen, geothermal power has now overtaken hydropower as the country's top energy source.
The Kenyan government has made increasing power production one of its highest priorities.
KenGen has drilled 137 geothermal wells since 2007 and eight rigs are in operation at the Olkaria steam fields. The utility has ordered two sets of 80 MW steam turbines from Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems (MHPS), a joint venture of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and Hitachi, which are due to go online in 2019.
MHPS has already supplied six sets of turbines for the Olkaria I and II geothermal power plants with a total output of 150 MW.
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Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems will be exhibiting at the GRC Annual Meeting & GEA GeoExpo+ from October 1-4 in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.
Kenya's Maasai people have long been aware of the awesome power of the earth in the area around Hell's Gate National Park. And now the region is experiencing interest from much further afield - in fact it is considered to be one of the most exciting geothermal areas on the planet.
According to Kenya's electricity generating utility KenGen, geothermal power has now overtaken hydropower as the country's top energy source.
The Kenyan government has made increasing power production one of its highest priorities.
KenGen has drilled 137 geothermal wells since 2007 and eight rigs are in operation at the Olkaria steam fields. The utility has ordered two sets of 80 MW steam turbines from Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems (MHPS), a joint venture of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and Hitachi, which are due to go online in 2019.
MHPS has already supplied six sets of turbines for the Olkaria I and II geothermal power plants with a total output of 150 MW.
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Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems will be exhibiting at the GRC Annual Meeting & GEA GeoExpo+ from October 1-4 in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.
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Australia: Potential for Improving Energy Security With Viable Geothermal Energy Source - Report
Does the Geothermal Energy Industry have a Future in Australia? (Future Directions International)
The geothermal industry in Australia has shown significant innovation in its activity. While it has not been able to demonstrate economical large-scale power generation so far, it has shown sufficient potential for geothermal technology to be included in a suite of options to ensure Australia’s future energy security, and, as such, should be pursued with ongoing investment in research and development.
- Australia has significant geothermal resources; however, there are also significant challenges to exploiting these resources to produce energy or useable heat.
- While Australia saw a boom in activity and investment for geothermal resource development in the late 2000s, the industry has since faced several key challenges which have been financially damaging to some of the companies involved.
- Rapid and ongoing technology development in other renewable energy sources has also put the comparative benefits of geothermal energy under development pressure.
- Despite the challenges, there is still potential for improving Australia’s energy security with a viable geothermal energy source. This will require pragmatic and consistent research and development, which would represent a departure from the previous ‘boom and bust’ nature of the industry (as is common in other resource or energy industries).
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Netherlands: Two 9,000 Feet Wells To Be Drilled for Geothermal Resources
Huisman drills at home (reNews)
Contract for two geothermal wells from Wayland Energy in the Netherlands
Dutch lifting specialist Huisman has won a contract from Wayland Energy to drill two geothermal wells in Bergschenhoek in the Netherlands.
The two wells will be drilled to depths of approximately 2500 and 2800 metres (9186 feet) using Huisman’s LOC 400 drilling rig.
Huisman said the rig has already been used on a geothermal project in the country to drill wells to depths of 2400 and 2700 metres in The Hague.
The rig is fully containerised and outfitted with an automated pipe-handler, the company added.
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Contract for two geothermal wells from Wayland Energy in the Netherlands
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Huisman’s LOC 400 drilling rig (Courtesy Huisman) |
The two wells will be drilled to depths of approximately 2500 and 2800 metres (9186 feet) using Huisman’s LOC 400 drilling rig.
Huisman said the rig has already been used on a geothermal project in the country to drill wells to depths of 2400 and 2700 metres in The Hague.
The rig is fully containerised and outfitted with an automated pipe-handler, the company added.
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Monday, August 28, 2017
USA, Nevada: 20 Parcels of BLM Geothermal Leases On Sale in October
Notice of Competitive Geothermal Internet Lease Sale (BLM Nevada)
October 24, 8-9 am PST, online at
In accordance with the Geothermal Steam Act, and the BLM regulations at 43 CFR 3200, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is offering 20 parcels for internet-based competitive sale of certain Federal lands containing 38,208.46 acres in the State of Nevada for geothermal leasing.
For more information, contact Jonathan Estrella, Land Law Examiner at (775) 861-6453.
October 24, 8-9 am PST, online at
In accordance with the Geothermal Steam Act, and the BLM regulations at 43 CFR 3200, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is offering 20 parcels for internet-based competitive sale of certain Federal lands containing 38,208.46 acres in the State of Nevada for geothermal leasing.
For more information, contact Jonathan Estrella, Land Law Examiner at (775) 861-6453.
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GRC Annual Meeting and GeoExpo+ - Geothermal Event
Utah to Host Ultimate Geothermal Energy Event in October (News Release)
Over 1,300 attendees will gather at the world’s largest annual geothermal energy event, the GRC Annual Meeting and GeoExpo+, at the Salt Palace Convention Center in Salt Lake City, Utah from October 1-4, 2017.
Utah Governor Gary Herbert will address the Opening Session of the GRC Annual Meeting on Monday, October 2, and he will be joined by other special guests and energy experts. The Opening Session will attract leading researchers, academics, students, state and federal agency officials, and executives from over 200 companies, such as Berkshire Hathaway Energy, CYRQ Energy, Calpine, Coso Energy, ENEL Green Power, Ormat Technologies, Inc., U.S. Geothermal Inc., and others that develop, build, maintain and operate geothermal plants around America and the world.
The GRC Annual Meeting features over 70 hours of technical presentations, workshops, fieldtrips, a plenary session, networking events and more. The GRC Technical Session programs will cover a wide array of topics pertaining to geothermal energy.
The GeoExpo+ features exhibits by leading companies who are paving the way for geothermal development through new projects, products, services, and technology. The exhibit hall will be open Monday at noon through Wednesday at noon.
In addition, there will be joint GRC/GEA policy and market development discussion panels on topics ranging from permit streamlining and new technology developments to the growing international geothermal market.
For information or to register for the GRC Annual Meeting go to: or contact
For information about the GeoExpo+ or to register to exhibit or attend the GeoExpo+ go to: or contact Kathy Schott at
To request an interview with anyone in the geothermal sector or one of our special guests, please contact Rhonda Mills, 323-578-2912 or email
Over 1,300 attendees will gather at the world’s largest annual geothermal energy event, the GRC Annual Meeting and GeoExpo+, at the Salt Palace Convention Center in Salt Lake City, Utah from October 1-4, 2017.
Utah Governor Gary Herbert will address the Opening Session of the GRC Annual Meeting on Monday, October 2, and he will be joined by other special guests and energy experts. The Opening Session will attract leading researchers, academics, students, state and federal agency officials, and executives from over 200 companies, such as Berkshire Hathaway Energy, CYRQ Energy, Calpine, Coso Energy, ENEL Green Power, Ormat Technologies, Inc., U.S. Geothermal Inc., and others that develop, build, maintain and operate geothermal plants around America and the world.
The GRC Annual Meeting features over 70 hours of technical presentations, workshops, fieldtrips, a plenary session, networking events and more. The GRC Technical Session programs will cover a wide array of topics pertaining to geothermal energy.
The GeoExpo+ features exhibits by leading companies who are paving the way for geothermal development through new projects, products, services, and technology. The exhibit hall will be open Monday at noon through Wednesday at noon.
In addition, there will be joint GRC/GEA policy and market development discussion panels on topics ranging from permit streamlining and new technology developments to the growing international geothermal market.
For information or to register for the GRC Annual Meeting go to: or contact
For information about the GeoExpo+ or to register to exhibit or attend the GeoExpo+ go to: or contact Kathy Schott at
To request an interview with anyone in the geothermal sector or one of our special guests, please contact Rhonda Mills, 323-578-2912 or email
Chile: 2,000 MW Geothermal Energy by 2030 - President of the Chilean Association of Geothermal Energy
Geotermia: Una solución energética para chile - Geothermal energy: an energetic solution for Chile (Reporte Sostenible)
Fernando Allendes, President of the Chilean Association of Geothermal Energy, ACHEGEO AG
Fernando Allendes, President of the Chilean Association of Geothermal Energy, ACHEGEO AG
Estudios académicos estiman que nuestro territorio tendría un potencial técnico que podría encumbrarse hasta los 16.000 MW. Por otro lado, diversas instituciones estiman que al año 2030 podríamos tener entre 1750 MW de potencia instalada, en un escenario conservador, y más de 5000 MW, en un escenario optimista. Como ACHEGEO, pensamos que una meta de unos 2000 MW instalados al año 2030 sería un buen aporte a nuestro país. En consecuencia, está en manos del Estado generar políticas públicas que permitan utilizar el calor de la tierra para mejorar la calidad de vida de los chilenos, iluminar colegios, calefaccionar casas, entre otros innumerables usos.
(Google Translation) Academic studies estimate that our territory would have a technical potential that could rise to 16,000 MW. On the other hand, different institutions estimate that by the year 2030 we could have 1,750 MW of installed capacity, in a conservative scenario, and more than 5,000 MW, in an optimistic scenario. As ACHEGEO, we think that a goal of about 2,000 MW installed by the year 2030 would be a good contribution to our country. Consequently, it is in the hands of the State to generate public policies that allow the use of the heat of the land to improve the quality of life of Chileans, to illuminate schools, to heat houses, among innumerable uses.
geothermal plant,
geothermal power,
USA, California: Combination of Hydro and Solar Pushes Electricity Prices Below Zero
Is Solar Really the Reason for Negative Electricity Prices? (Energy Institute at Haas)
This Spring, California electricity generators have been doing the electricity market equivalent to calling 1-800-GOT-JUNK. Between March and July, there were over 100 hours in which wholesale prices were below zero. These negative prices have received lots of attention, and the discussion has almost universally attributed negative prices to California’s ramp up in solar generation.
Solar is indeed part of the story, but another explanation is at least as important. Over the last decade, hydro, not solar, has been the primary driver of negative electricity prices in the United States. The year 2017 is no exception. Spring 2017 was among the rainiest in history, and it is this combination of hydro and solar that has pushed prices below zero.
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(Thanks to GRC Member Marcelo Lippmann, Staff Scientist (retired) at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory for the submission.)
This Spring, California electricity generators have been doing the electricity market equivalent to calling 1-800-GOT-JUNK. Between March and July, there were over 100 hours in which wholesale prices were below zero. These negative prices have received lots of attention, and the discussion has almost universally attributed negative prices to California’s ramp up in solar generation.
Solar is indeed part of the story, but another explanation is at least as important. Over the last decade, hydro, not solar, has been the primary driver of negative electricity prices in the United States. The year 2017 is no exception. Spring 2017 was among the rainiest in history, and it is this combination of hydro and solar that has pushed prices below zero.
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(Thanks to GRC Member Marcelo Lippmann, Staff Scientist (retired) at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory for the submission.)
Indonesia: Tender for Mount Gunung Lawu Geothermal Working Area to be Re-Issued
Indonesia to re-bid Mount Lawu geothermal working area (Asian-Power)
The Indonesian government eyes re-tendering the geothermal working area of Mount Gunung Lawu as Pertamina Geothermal Energy failed to commence work on the project, and eventually returned the area to the government.
According to Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Ignasius Jonan, the company lacked either financial or technical capacity on pursuing the project. He added that the government is left with two options: re-tendering the work area or let the project be taken under PT PLN's wing.
PT Petamina Geothermal Energy initially won the Gunung Lawu site and was supposed to begin working on it this year. The project's estimated power generation capacity is 165 MW.
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The Indonesian government eyes re-tendering the geothermal working area of Mount Gunung Lawu as Pertamina Geothermal Energy failed to commence work on the project, and eventually returned the area to the government.
According to Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Ignasius Jonan, the company lacked either financial or technical capacity on pursuing the project. He added that the government is left with two options: re-tendering the work area or let the project be taken under PT PLN's wing.
PT Petamina Geothermal Energy initially won the Gunung Lawu site and was supposed to begin working on it this year. The project's estimated power generation capacity is 165 MW.
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Turkey: Zorlu Energy Honored for Kızıldere-II Geothermal Electricity/Heat/CO2 Plant
Zorlu Energy granted Geothermal award at "ICCI Energy Awards" (News Release)
Zorlu Energy's Kızıldere-II Geothermal Power Plant has been granted the "Geothermal" award in the Renewable Energy field at "ICCI Energy Awards" where the best of Turkey are selected.
This year, the Istanbul WOW Convention Center hosted the sixth edition of "ICCI Energy Awards", known as the Oscars of the Turkish energy sector, where the most successful energy generating companies in Turkey are honored.
With 80 MW of installed power, Kızıldere-II is one of the biggest geothermal power plants in Turkey. The energy generated at Kızıldere-II not only contributes to electricity production but also provides heating to houses and greenhouses CO2 to industrial gas plants and geothermal water to thermal hotels.
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Zorlu Energy's Kızıldere-II Geothermal Power Plant has been granted the "Geothermal" award in the Renewable Energy field at "ICCI Energy Awards" where the best of Turkey are selected.
This year, the Istanbul WOW Convention Center hosted the sixth edition of "ICCI Energy Awards", known as the Oscars of the Turkish energy sector, where the most successful energy generating companies in Turkey are honored.
With 80 MW of installed power, Kızıldere-II is one of the biggest geothermal power plants in Turkey. The energy generated at Kızıldere-II not only contributes to electricity production but also provides heating to houses and greenhouses CO2 to industrial gas plants and geothermal water to thermal hotels.
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Kenya: GDC to Partner With Baringo County on Geothermal Energy Training
GDC seeks Baringo Government partnership in training youth on Geothermal Resource Development (Baringo County Government)
The Geothermal Development Company – GDC has Monday presented a proposal to Baringo County Government towards jointly funding the training of 400 youth from the county on geothermal resource Development over the next five years.
Speaking in his office in Kabarnet when he received the proposed partnership document , Baringo Governor Stanley Kiptis welcomed the move saying an accelerated development of human resource is not only necessary but very important.
The governor offered that equipping the youth with relevant skills in this field will create a pool of experts to draw personnel from while preparing the youth for jobs locally and within the region.”
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The Geothermal Development Company – GDC has Monday presented a proposal to Baringo County Government towards jointly funding the training of 400 youth from the county on geothermal resource Development over the next five years.
Speaking in his office in Kabarnet when he received the proposed partnership document , Baringo Governor Stanley Kiptis welcomed the move saying an accelerated development of human resource is not only necessary but very important.
The governor offered that equipping the youth with relevant skills in this field will create a pool of experts to draw personnel from while preparing the youth for jobs locally and within the region.”
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geothermal plant,
geothermal power,
Baringo County, Kenya
Central America: Tremendous Potential for Geothermal Energy in Region
Geothermal – a Key Source of Clean Energy in Central America (Inter Press Service)
“Volcanoes have always been a menace to humanity but now in El Salvador they are a resource to generate clean, renewable and cheap energy. Now they represent the future of our nations,” said David López, president of the government’s Lempa River Executive Hydropower Commission, in a regional workshop on geothermal energy.
Given the environmental vulnerability of Central America and the impacts that climate change is already causing, with phenomena such as increasingly long droughts, it is vital for the region to depend less on hydropower generation and to make greater efforts to develop other options, geologist Leonardo Solís, from the state Costa Rican Institute of Electricity, told IPS.
“If there are climate variations, droughts, etc., how do we compensate? We have to say that geothermal energy is an excellent complement to other energies,” he said, during a visit to the Ahuachapán Plant, one of the two geothermal plants in El Salvador, as part of the activities on clean energies in the area.
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“Volcanoes have always been a menace to humanity but now in El Salvador they are a resource to generate clean, renewable and cheap energy. Now they represent the future of our nations,” said David López, president of the government’s Lempa River Executive Hydropower Commission, in a regional workshop on geothermal energy.
Given the environmental vulnerability of Central America and the impacts that climate change is already causing, with phenomena such as increasingly long droughts, it is vital for the region to depend less on hydropower generation and to make greater efforts to develop other options, geologist Leonardo Solís, from the state Costa Rican Institute of Electricity, told IPS.
“If there are climate variations, droughts, etc., how do we compensate? We have to say that geothermal energy is an excellent complement to other energies,” he said, during a visit to the Ahuachapán Plant, one of the two geothermal plants in El Salvador, as part of the activities on clean energies in the area.
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geothermal plant,
geothermal power,
Central America
Canada: Passive Seismic Reservoir Characterization Program Started at Canoe Reach Geothermal Energy Project
P Squared Renewables Inc. And Borealis Geopower Inc. Continue To Advance Towards Commercial Geothermal Power Generation In Canada (News Release)
P Squared Renewables Inc. has provided the following update regarding the business of Borealis GeoPower Inc. P Squared entered into a letter of intent with Borealis and its shareholders that sets out the basic terms and conditions pursuant to which it is intended that P Squared and Borealis will complete a business combination.
Borealis has initiated its Passive Seismic Reservoir Characterization program at the Canoe Reach Geothermal Energy Project, one of the final steps in the pre-drilling evaluation of the Project. Passive seismic is a technique that uses seismometers to detect subsurface structures including faults and fractures without the use of man-made external stimuli. This tool has been used since the 1970’s in delineation of the subsurface geothermal structures in Iceland and California, and is most effective when used in conjunction with the additional exploratory methods exercised by Borealis.
“This is a first for geothermal exploration in Canada” stated Craig Dunn, chief geologist for Borealis, “and represents a milestone in the development of Canada’s first commercial Geothermal Heat and Power Plant.”
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(Courtesy Borealis GeoPower) |
Borealis has initiated its Passive Seismic Reservoir Characterization program at the Canoe Reach Geothermal Energy Project, one of the final steps in the pre-drilling evaluation of the Project. Passive seismic is a technique that uses seismometers to detect subsurface structures including faults and fractures without the use of man-made external stimuli. This tool has been used since the 1970’s in delineation of the subsurface geothermal structures in Iceland and California, and is most effective when used in conjunction with the additional exploratory methods exercised by Borealis.
“This is a first for geothermal exploration in Canada” stated Craig Dunn, chief geologist for Borealis, “and represents a milestone in the development of Canada’s first commercial Geothermal Heat and Power Plant.”
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Indonesia: Drilling Begins at 165 MW Ponorogo Geothermal Project
Bakrie Eksplorasi Tiga Sumur Geothermal Ponorogo-Madiun - The Bakrie Group has Begun Exploration of Three Geothermal Wells in Ponorogo-Madiun (
Grup Bakrie Darmakarya Energi mulai mengeksplorasi tiga sumur geothermal (panas bumi) di Desa Mendak, Kecamatan Dagangan, Kabupaten Madiun dan Ngebel, Kabupaten Ponorogo.
Bila selesai dieksplorasi, tiga sumur geothermal itu bakal menghasilkan energi listrik hingga 165 megawatt.
(Google Translation) The Bakrie Darmakarya Energi Group has started three exploratory geothermal wells in Mendak Village, Dagangan District, Madiun and Ngebel Regency, Ponorogo Regency (East Java).
When completed, the three geothermal wells will produce up to 165 megawatts of electricity.
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Grup Bakrie Darmakarya Energi mulai mengeksplorasi tiga sumur geothermal (panas bumi) di Desa Mendak, Kecamatan Dagangan, Kabupaten Madiun dan Ngebel, Kabupaten Ponorogo.
Bila selesai dieksplorasi, tiga sumur geothermal itu bakal menghasilkan energi listrik hingga 165 megawatt.
(Google Translation) The Bakrie Darmakarya Energi Group has started three exploratory geothermal wells in Mendak Village, Dagangan District, Madiun and Ngebel Regency, Ponorogo Regency (East Java).
When completed, the three geothermal wells will produce up to 165 megawatts of electricity.
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Saturday, August 26, 2017
GRC Annual Meeting & GEA GeoExpo+ - Geothermal Event
5 Weeks to the Geothermal Energy Event of the Year!
More information on the GRC Annual Meeting & GEA GeoExpo+.......
Friday, August 25, 2017
Geothermal Energy News from Around the World
Global Geothermal News - Weekly Update
A round-up of this week's geothermal energy news.......
Click on the links to view the whole story and other news stories on Global Geothermal News.
A round-up of this week's geothermal energy news.......
Click on the links to view the whole story and other news stories on Global Geothermal News.
Canada: Seismic Survey Carried Out at Canoe Reach Geothermal Project
Seismic monitoring set up in Valemount area (The Valley Sentinel)
Results to be used in geothermal development
A field research team from Borealis GeoPower along with members of the University of Calgary Geoscience Department were in the Valemount area between August 11 - 15 as part of a seismic monitoring program that will further research toward geothermal development.
The Canoe Reach Geothermal Project is one of two major projects under Borealis whose ultimate goal is to establish geothermal as a heat source that will provide power to community projects and businesses, and even sell power to the grid.
The program involves setting up monitoring equipment that will enable researchers to establish a baseline of seismic activity and track fault movement in the area. This will help them gain a better understanding of the area’s overall activity and changes in the subsurface that can be used for reservoir modeling, since seismic activity influences the flow of water. The more events - even the slightest - the more information this will provide the researchers. How faults are moving over time will give them a better idea of where there is fluid moving and where to possibly drill.
USA: National Renewable Energy Laboratory Provides New Electricity Generation Data
NREL Updates Baseline Cost and Performance Data for Electricity Generation Technologies (News Release)
The Energy Department's National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) has released the 2017 Annual Technology Baseline (ATB), updating a key source of reliable electricity generation technology cost and performance data used to support and inform electric sector analysis in the United States. Now in its third year, the ATB documents technology-specific information on a broad spectrum of electricity generation technologies, including wind, solar, geothermal, hydropower, biomass, coal, natural gas, and nuclear.
The Annual Technology Baseline, which is supported by hundreds of literature citations, will be highlighted in a webinar on August 29, at 11 a.m.–1 p.m. MDT (1-3 p.m. EDT). Presenters will describe analytical products in detail, share examples of how they have been used, and provide an opportunity for attendees to ask questions. Register for the webinar..............
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The Annual Technology Baseline, which is supported by hundreds of literature citations, will be highlighted in a webinar on August 29, at 11 a.m.–1 p.m. MDT (1-3 p.m. EDT). Presenters will describe analytical products in detail, share examples of how they have been used, and provide an opportunity for attendees to ask questions. Register for the webinar..............
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Canada: Geothermal Energy has High Potential in British Columbia
Opinion: Don’t let the geothermal energy opportunity go cold (Vancouver Sun)
Geothermal energy — using natural heat from underground to generate electricity or heat — is a proven clean technology with high potential in British Columbia. But our opportunity is in danger of going cold.
Geothermal could play a significant role in a long-term strategy to transition to clean and renewable sources of energy for electricity and heat alongside other rapidly developing sources such as solar, wind and wave power.
This is not the stuff of legend. The U.S. has nearly 4,000 megawatts of geothermal installed. Heat exchange, which is the lowest temperature and simplest geothermal technology, is not uncommon in homes. And SaskPower has plans to deliver 50 per cent of Saskatchewan’s power from renewable sources, including geothermal by 2030. What’s more, B.C. already has many of the skills needed. With some basic training, workers from the oil and gas sectors can also work with geothermal.
There’s more good news. Much of the research to prove the potential for geothermal is already in place because accelerating the development of geothermal is an important part of the work of Geoscience B.C. and others.
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Geothermal energy — using natural heat from underground to generate electricity or heat — is a proven clean technology with high potential in British Columbia. But our opportunity is in danger of going cold.
Geothermal could play a significant role in a long-term strategy to transition to clean and renewable sources of energy for electricity and heat alongside other rapidly developing sources such as solar, wind and wave power.
This is not the stuff of legend. The U.S. has nearly 4,000 megawatts of geothermal installed. Heat exchange, which is the lowest temperature and simplest geothermal technology, is not uncommon in homes. And SaskPower has plans to deliver 50 per cent of Saskatchewan’s power from renewable sources, including geothermal by 2030. What’s more, B.C. already has many of the skills needed. With some basic training, workers from the oil and gas sectors can also work with geothermal.
There’s more good news. Much of the research to prove the potential for geothermal is already in place because accelerating the development of geothermal is an important part of the work of Geoscience B.C. and others.
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Canada: New Geothermal Energy Research Center in Québec
INRS acquires new open laboratory for geothermal energy (News Release)
CFI and Québec government invest in renewable energy research
Geothermal energy is a promising solution for reducing greenhouse gases and providing a local source of heat in the northern areas. However, the drilling required to install geothermal systems presents technological challenges that are undermining the development of this energy sector.
With the new open laboratory for geothermal energy, professor Jasmin Raymond of The National Institute of Scientific Research (INRS) Centre Eau Terre Environnement will have new experimental capabilities to investigate solutions that reduce dependence on fossil fuels.
Funded equally by the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI)'s John R. Evans Leaders Fund and the Québec government for a total of $400,000, this new facility combines the techniques of infrared scanning and tomodensitometry, a first for a geothermal energy laboratory. Researchers will be able to characterize the thermal and hydraulic properties of rock samples and model the impact of subsurface heterogeneity on the performance of geothermal systems.
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CFI and Québec government invest in renewable energy research
Geothermal energy is a promising solution for reducing greenhouse gases and providing a local source of heat in the northern areas. However, the drilling required to install geothermal systems presents technological challenges that are undermining the development of this energy sector.
With the new open laboratory for geothermal energy, professor Jasmin Raymond of The National Institute of Scientific Research (INRS) Centre Eau Terre Environnement will have new experimental capabilities to investigate solutions that reduce dependence on fossil fuels.
Funded equally by the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI)'s John R. Evans Leaders Fund and the Québec government for a total of $400,000, this new facility combines the techniques of infrared scanning and tomodensitometry, a first for a geothermal energy laboratory. Researchers will be able to characterize the thermal and hydraulic properties of rock samples and model the impact of subsurface heterogeneity on the performance of geothermal systems.
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Thursday, August 24, 2017
USA: News from the Heat Pump Industry
Heat Exchange Industry News (Geothermal Exchange Organization)
The latest GEO Industry News is now available from the Geothermal Exchange Organization (GEO).
Headlines and features in this month’s edition include:
GEO Industry News (PDF)
The latest GEO Industry News is now available from the Geothermal Exchange Organization (GEO).
- State Associations Help Chart the Course for Our Future
- Action Alert - Your Outreach Still Needed for Tax Credits
- New York Testimony Touts Geothermal Heat Pumps
- Michigan Capitol Going Green with Geothermal
- In Memory of Jim Ashley, President of NEGPA
- PLUS More Industry News and Announcements
GEO Industry News (PDF)
New Zealand: 25 MW Extension of Ngawha Geothermal Power Plant to Go Ahead
Final go-ahead for expanded power station at Ngawha (New Zealand Herald)
Plans to triple the output of Ngawha power station and make the Far North an energy exporter have crossed another hurdle with the granting of final resource consents.
Lines company Top Energy currently operates two geothermal power stations at Ngawha, just east of Kaikohe, totalling 25 megawatts (MW).
The company wants to build another 25 MW station by 2020 and, geothermal field performance and market conditions allowing, one more by 2026. That would make a total output of 75 MW, more than the Far North's peak demand of 70 MW on cold winter evenings.
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Plans to triple the output of Ngawha power station and make the Far North an energy exporter have crossed another hurdle with the granting of final resource consents.
Lines company Top Energy currently operates two geothermal power stations at Ngawha, just east of Kaikohe, totalling 25 megawatts (MW).
The company wants to build another 25 MW station by 2020 and, geothermal field performance and market conditions allowing, one more by 2026. That would make a total output of 75 MW, more than the Far North's peak demand of 70 MW on cold winter evenings.
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China: "Rich Geothermal Energy Resources" Discovered in Xiongan New Area
Xiongan looks good in survey (ecns)
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Location of Xiong'an New Area in Hebei (Wikipedia Commons) |
Xiongan New Area has a stable geologic structure, good for ground construction and underground infrastructure, as well as vast farmland and groundwater resources, according to the first phase of a geological survey released on Wednesday.
China announced plans in April to establish Xiongan New Area, a new economic zone about 100 kilometers southwest of Beijing that covers Xiongxian, Rongcheng and Anxin counties in Hebei province.
The geologists also found that Xiongan New Area has rich geothermal energy resources in the shallow layer - up to 200 meters deep - which could make the area more ecologically sound.
geothermal plant,
geothermal power,
Baoding, Hebei, China
USA: DOE Grid Reliability Report Does Not Include Geothermal Energy
Staff Report to the Secretary on Electricity Markets and Reliability (DOE)
Department of Energy (DOE) Secretary Rick Perry directed his staff to develop a report including an assessment of the reliability and resilience of the electric grid and an overview of the evolution of electricity markets. The study contains a comprehensive analysis and series of recommendations from the Department of Energy staff meant to inform and guide policy makers, regulators, and the general public in future conversations about the challenges America faces.
The report mentions geothermal just 8 times and states "Other technologies that have traditionally operated as baseload include geothermal and biomass power plants. However, those technologies represent a relatively small portion of total U.S. electricity generation; while valuable for the grid reliability services they provide, they are not covered in this report."

The report mentions geothermal just 8 times and states "Other technologies that have traditionally operated as baseload include geothermal and biomass power plants. However, those technologies represent a relatively small portion of total U.S. electricity generation; while valuable for the grid reliability services they provide, they are not covered in this report."
- Download and read Secretary Perry's cover letter.
- Download and read the Staff Report to the Secretary on Electricity Markets and Reliability.
GRC Annual Meeting & GEA GeoExpo+ - Save $150 By Registering Before August 31
Early Bird Registration Deadline for GRC Annual Meeting is Next Week
Save up to $150 for this premier geothermal energy event by registering before August 31
The deadline for early-bird rates for registration for the biggest annual geothermal energy event in the world is August 31. The GRC Annual Meeting & GEA GeoExpo+ will bring together geothermal companies, academics, financiers, policy leaders, students, and other individuals to attend or exhibit at the event, to be held from October 1 to 4 at the Salt Palace Convention Center, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.
Early birds who register before August 31 pay only $880 as GRC members or $1080 if non-members. The non-member registration includes GRC membership through 2018. Students with a current identification card from an accredited institution pay just $125 which also includes GRC membership through 2018. Registration to the GRC Annual Meeting also includes entry to the GEA GeoExpo+ trade show.
Registration is available from the GRC website at An Event Program complete with a Registration Form is available to view and download. However, the GRC recommends online registration through a secured connection.
The deadline for discounted hotel room rates is September 5. Reservations can be made by following a link from the GRC website at Book now as there are only a certain number of discounted rooms available.
Save up to $150 for this premier geothermal energy event by registering before August 31
The deadline for early-bird rates for registration for the biggest annual geothermal energy event in the world is August 31. The GRC Annual Meeting & GEA GeoExpo+ will bring together geothermal companies, academics, financiers, policy leaders, students, and other individuals to attend or exhibit at the event, to be held from October 1 to 4 at the Salt Palace Convention Center, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.
Early birds who register before August 31 pay only $880 as GRC members or $1080 if non-members. The non-member registration includes GRC membership through 2018. Students with a current identification card from an accredited institution pay just $125 which also includes GRC membership through 2018. Registration to the GRC Annual Meeting also includes entry to the GEA GeoExpo+ trade show.
Registration is available from the GRC website at An Event Program complete with a Registration Form is available to view and download. However, the GRC recommends online registration through a secured connection.
The deadline for discounted hotel room rates is September 5. Reservations can be made by following a link from the GRC website at Book now as there are only a certain number of discounted rooms available.
Wednesday, August 23, 2017
USA, California: Ormat to Begin Flow and Injection Test at Mammoth Lakes Geothermal Field
Ormat to Begin Geothermal Well Testing Near Mammoth Lakes (YubaNet)
Ormat Nevada Inc. has completed preparations for a 30-day flow and injection test of two existing geothermal wells near the Town of Mammoth Lakes. The test was approved by the Bureau of Land Management Bishop Field Office, in coordination with the Inyo National Forest Mammoth Lakes Ranger District, earlier this month. Testing is scheduled to begin on Thursday, Aug. 24.
The purpose of the flow and injection test is to allow Ormat to collect data needed to determine the potential production and injection capabilities of the two wells and their potential contribution to the overall geothermal energy production strategy in the area. In a coordinated effort, the U.S. Geological Survey and the Mammoth Community Water District will simultaneously be collecting monitoring data from nearby groundwater wells.
Science & Technology: New Report Calls for 96,000 MW Geothermal Energy by 2050
100% Clean and Renewable Wind, Water, and Sunlight All-Sector Energy Roadmaps for 139 Countries of the World - Mark Z. Jacobson, et al.
Report calls for 839 additional geothermal power plants for a total of 96,000 MW by 2050
For the world to reverse global warming, eliminate millions of annual air-pollution deaths, and provide secure energy, every country must have an energy roadmap based on widely available, reliable, zero-emission energy technologies.
This study presents such roadmaps for 139 countries of the world. These roadmaps are far more aggressive than what the Paris agreement calls for, but are still technically and economically feasible. The solution is to electrify all energy sectors (transportation, heating/cooling, industry, agriculture/forestry/fishing) and provide all electricity with 100% wind, water, and solar (WWS) power.
If fully implemented by 2050, the roadmaps will enable the world to avoid 1.5°C global warming and millions of annual air-pollution deaths, create 24.3 million net new long-term, full-time jobs, reduce energy costs to society, reduce energy end-use by 42.5%, reduce power disruption, and increase worldwide access to energy.
Read More......... Full Report (PDF).........
Report calls for 839 additional geothermal power plants for a total of 96,000 MW by 2050
For the world to reverse global warming, eliminate millions of annual air-pollution deaths, and provide secure energy, every country must have an energy roadmap based on widely available, reliable, zero-emission energy technologies.
This study presents such roadmaps for 139 countries of the world. These roadmaps are far more aggressive than what the Paris agreement calls for, but are still technically and economically feasible. The solution is to electrify all energy sectors (transportation, heating/cooling, industry, agriculture/forestry/fishing) and provide all electricity with 100% wind, water, and solar (WWS) power.
If fully implemented by 2050, the roadmaps will enable the world to avoid 1.5°C global warming and millions of annual air-pollution deaths, create 24.3 million net new long-term, full-time jobs, reduce energy costs to society, reduce energy end-use by 42.5%, reduce power disruption, and increase worldwide access to energy.
Read More......... Full Report (PDF).........
USA, Nevada: MOU Signed on Joint Lithium Extraction and Geothermal Power Project
Dajin Resources and Geothermal Development Associates Sign MOU (News Release)
(Courtesy Dajin Resources Corp.) |
Dajin Resources Corp. has announced that it has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Geothermal Development Associates (GDA), Reno, Nevada.
GDA is a geothermal development corporation with geothermal leases in the Teels Marsh valley that overlie Dajin’s placer claims. GDA’s principle line of business is the development of geothermal resources for electrical generation.
As a result of this MOU, GDA and Dajin will share exploration data with the ultimate aim of supporting the development of a Lithium brine extraction facility as well as developing a geothermal plant for electrical generation and the production of direct-use thermal water.
This agreement outlines a non-competitive relationship where both companies are focusing on their key strengths, while working together on their exploration program during development.
East Africa: Geothermal Potential for Region Exceeds 15,000 MW - Power Africa Report
Power Africa Annual Report: Fourth Year in Review (USAID)
The geothermal potential for the East Africa region exceeds 15,000 MW, and represents a $40 billion investment opportunity. Power Africa is supporting a pipeline of more than 20 geothermal energy projects across East Africa, which represents more than 2,300 MW of potential generation capacity, and approximately $9 billion in investments.
The United States is a world leader in the geothermal industry, with more than 100 companies active in the sector. Power Africa’s East Africa Geothermal Partnership via the U.S. Energy Association (USEA) has more than quadrupled the number of U.S. companies active in East Africa’s geothermal sector.
Kenya is the eighth largest producer of geothermal power in the world. Power Africa is supporting 15 geothermal projects that total more than 1,000 megawatts of potential generation capacity, and represent a combined estimated value of approximately $3.6 billion.
Ethiopia holds the potential to generate up to 10,000 MW of power from its geothermal sources. Power Africa is supporting five geothermal projects in Ethiopia that total more than 1,200 MW of potential generation capacity, and represent a combined estimated value of more than $5 billion.
Power Africa Annual Report 2017 (PDF - 11 MB)
The geothermal potential for the East Africa region exceeds 15,000 MW, and represents a $40 billion investment opportunity. Power Africa is supporting a pipeline of more than 20 geothermal energy projects across East Africa, which represents more than 2,300 MW of potential generation capacity, and approximately $9 billion in investments.
The United States is a world leader in the geothermal industry, with more than 100 companies active in the sector. Power Africa’s East Africa Geothermal Partnership via the U.S. Energy Association (USEA) has more than quadrupled the number of U.S. companies active in East Africa’s geothermal sector.
Kenya is the eighth largest producer of geothermal power in the world. Power Africa is supporting 15 geothermal projects that total more than 1,000 megawatts of potential generation capacity, and represent a combined estimated value of approximately $3.6 billion.
Ethiopia holds the potential to generate up to 10,000 MW of power from its geothermal sources. Power Africa is supporting five geothermal projects in Ethiopia that total more than 1,200 MW of potential generation capacity, and represent a combined estimated value of more than $5 billion.
Power Africa Annual Report 2017 (PDF - 11 MB)
geothermal plant,
geothermal power,
East Africa
New Zealand: Māori Want Input on Use of Bay of Plenty Geothermal Resources
Calls for prominent Te Arawa voice in geothermal economic conversation (Māori Television)
Te Tatau o Te Arawa chairman Te Taru White is calling for Te Arawa to be at the centre of Rotorua's geothermal energy conversation following National's $150,000 announcement to explore geothermal opportunities in the Bay of Plenty.
For generations, Te Arawa has embraced Rotorua's geothermal landscape and harnessed its energy.
Te Tatau o Te Arawa chairman Te Taru White says, "Te Arawa has always had an unbroken relationship with the geothermal sources. A lot of the ngāwha used for bathing, cooking, all those sort of things, have been unbroken."
However, only 5% of Rotorua's geothermal capacity is being applied to geothermal resources. A number that the Te Tatau o Te Arawa chair Te Taru White says needs to be explored.
geothermal plant,
geothermal power,
Rotorua, New Zealand
Turkey: 99.5 MW Kızıldere III Geothermal Power Plant Unit 1 Now Operational
Zorlu's Kızıldere III geothermal plant starts operation (Anadolu Agency)
Kızıldere plant III will have 165 megawatts of capacity when complete
Turkish energy company Zorlu Enerji's first unit of the Kızıldere III geothermal power plant in Denizli in southwest Turkey has become operational, the company said on Wednesday.
Upon completion of the entire plant, Kizildere will become the biggest geothermal plant in the country.
The first unit of the power plant will cost $320 million with 99.5 megawatts of capacity, according to Zorlu Enerji.
"The first unit of the Kızıldere III geothermal power plant will produce 720 million kilowatt-hours of electricity per year," Sinan Ak, CEO of Zorlu Energy Group said.
"The Kızıldere III geothermal power plant will have a total capacity of 165 megawatts and when completed next year will be the biggest geothermal power plant in Turkey," Ak said.
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Kızıldere plant III will have 165 megawatts of capacity when complete
Turkish energy company Zorlu Enerji's first unit of the Kızıldere III geothermal power plant in Denizli in southwest Turkey has become operational, the company said on Wednesday.
Upon completion of the entire plant, Kizildere will become the biggest geothermal plant in the country.
The first unit of the power plant will cost $320 million with 99.5 megawatts of capacity, according to Zorlu Enerji.
"The first unit of the Kızıldere III geothermal power plant will produce 720 million kilowatt-hours of electricity per year," Sinan Ak, CEO of Zorlu Energy Group said.
"The Kızıldere III geothermal power plant will have a total capacity of 165 megawatts and when completed next year will be the biggest geothermal power plant in Turkey," Ak said.
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geothermal plant,
geothermal power,
Denizli, Turkey
United Arab Emirates: Potential for 1,000 MW of Geothermal Energy - UAE Professor
Study explores geothermal energy option for UAE (
UAE University research team looks at geothermal sites in Al Ain and Ras Al Khaimah to gauge potential for electricity generation
The project, which is being undertaken by researchers at UAE University (UAEU), has studied geological sites in both Al Ain and Ras Al Khaimah, examining the hot water spring reservoirs and analysing their temperatures and sizes.
“This project started in January of this year with the goal of understanding the possibility of using geothermal energy in the UAE, and so we wanted to study the geothermal areas, gathering as much data as possible,” explained Dr Hakim Saibi, associate professor of geophysics at UAEU, and one of the researchers involved with the project.
According to Dr Saibi, the findings did point to the possibility of tapping geothermal energy in the UAE. “The potential for using geothermal energy is good. Based on our findings and the data gathered at the sites, we can produce around 1,000 megawatts of electricity using the geothermal energies from these areas,” he said.
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UAE University research team looks at geothermal sites in Al Ain and Ras Al Khaimah to gauge potential for electricity generation
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“This project started in January of this year with the goal of understanding the possibility of using geothermal energy in the UAE, and so we wanted to study the geothermal areas, gathering as much data as possible,” explained Dr Hakim Saibi, associate professor of geophysics at UAEU, and one of the researchers involved with the project.
According to Dr Saibi, the findings did point to the possibility of tapping geothermal energy in the UAE. “The potential for using geothermal energy is good. Based on our findings and the data gathered at the sites, we can produce around 1,000 megawatts of electricity using the geothermal energies from these areas,” he said.
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geothermal plant,
geothermal power,
United Arab Emirates
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