Thursday, November 13, 2014


Geothermal Energy: America's Forgotten Renewable (Ox Nerd Productions)

GRC Member Aaron Ochsner has made a documentary based on interviews he conducted at the GRC Annual Meeting in Portland, Oregon.

(Video: 17:27 Minutes)

Geothermal energy, perhaps the most underutilized renewable energy resource in the U.S., has gained significant technological and economic traction in recent years. Despite this progress, geothermal energy seems to be overshadowed by other forms of renewable energy.

The U.S. Geological Survey estimates that only ONE PERCENT of the heat energy contained within the upper 10 km of Earth’s crust is equivalent to 500 times the amount of energy contained in ALL of Earth’s oil and gas reserves. Why, then, does geothermal energy receive so little attention, and remain so misunderstood by the general public?