A round-up of this week's international geothermal energy news.......
Click on the links below to view the whole story and other news on Global Geothermal News.
(Courtesy CIA.gov) |
Mud volcanoes with the Hudson Ranch Geothermal Power Plant in the background. GRC Fieldtrip 2013. |
"Geothermal Energy the savior of Salton Sea", by Alexander Schriener Jr. |
Abraham, Sam
Li, Kewen
Aguilera, Pablo
Manzella, Adele
Ayling, Bridget
Matsuda, Koji
Bignall, Greg
Matthiasdottir, Kristin Vala
Bjarnason, Bjarni
Meier, Peter
Blair, Andy
Morata, Diego
Brogle, Sylvain
Olivar, Maria Victoria M.
Brotheridge, Jane
Omenda, Peter
Capuano, Louis
Oyama, Hiroshi
Caranto, Joeffrey A.
Prieto, Angela
Casimiro Espinoza, Emigdio
Rotich, Abel
Chandrasekhar, Varun
Sabin, Andy
Darma, Surya
Sangin, Sepehr
Falcone, Gioia
Schmidlee, Virginie
Guglielmetti, Luca
Siratovich, Paul
Hajto, Marek
Suryantini, Ninik
Harskamp, Bob
Svalova, Valentina
Hillbrand, Gudrun
Szita, Gabor
Huenges, Ernst
Tingshan, Tian
Izquierdo-Montalvo, Georgina
Utami, Pri
Jahrfeld, Thomas
Verdoya, Massimo
Jalilinasrabady, Saeid
Wielenga, Jelle
Kaya, Eylem
Wissing, Lothar
Kiryukhin, Alexey
Yasukawa, Kasumi
Letvin, Amelia Ida
Zemedkun, Meseret
Pampa Apacheta, by Silke Lohmar, Santiago, Chile. GRC Photo Contest 2017. |
(Courtesy CIA.gov) |