Tuesday, October 23, 2018

USA, Florida: Geothermal to be Discussed at Caribbean Renewable Energy Forum

10th Caribbean Renewable Energy Forum (New Energy Events)

 November 7 - 9, 2018, Miami, Florida, USA

The Caribbean grid we aspire to is resilient, clean, independent and modern. Across 25 panels, workshops and stakeholder meetings, over 100 regional and industry leaders will debate and discuss a roadmap to get there.

Critical themes covered in the 2018 agenda:
  • Resiliency. How are the hardest hit islands rebuilding with resiliency in mind? Are centralized or distributed electric grids the best path forward? How has the utility approach to investment evolved? What is the true cost of resiliency and who will pick up the price tag?
  • How solar and storage is re-shaping opportunities for C&I development
  • How technology is poised to disrupt the electricity sector across the region
  • The role of natural gas and geothermal in the evolving regional energy matrix
  • New sources of financing for Caribbean projects and programs
Optional and invitation-only events take place on November 7 including the Island Resiliency Action Challenge. The opening reception, open to all, will take place on November 7. Main CREF proceedings will begin on November 8.