Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Geothermal Resources Council (GRC) is now a member of the Global Geothermal Alliance

Latest updates from the Global Geothermal Alliance

The Geothermal Resources Council (GRC) is now a member of the Global Geothermal Alliance

New GGA Member - Ethiopia:
Since the last update, Ethiopia has become a Member of the Global Geothermal Alliance (GGA).

We welcome Ethiopia to the GGA and look forward to a close collaboration.

The full list of GGA members and partners is available online at: www.globalgeothermalalliance.org.

New tool on the GGA Website:
We are pleased to inform you that a new tool is available on the GGA Website.

The BBA Geothermal Transparency Guide is an online tool providing insight into the legal frameworks governing exploration and development of geothermal energy in 16 countries, as well as an overview of data on generation and capacity.

IRENA Gender and Renewable Energy survey:
Complete the survey and contribute to address the data and knowledge gap on gender in renewable energy!

The findings from the survey will contribute to, and will provide quantitative and qualitative insights on the current status of women’s participation in the renewable energy sector, existing challenges and potential solutions to improve gender diversity.

We encourage participation from both women and men. Your feedback will ensure a have a good representation from the geothermal sector. You can find the IRENA Gender and Renewable Energy survey at www.irena.org/gendersurvey

You can visit the website and access this tool and others: www.globalgeothermalalliance.org.