Over 10,000 news items have now been posted on Global Geothermal News in 6.5 years reporting on the geothermal energy community around the world. All of those articles are searchable from the search box available on the front page - a valuable tool.

The growth over this time has been exponential as can be seen in the graph on the right. Global Geothermal News will continue to grow in the future.
Global Geothermal News is updated at least twice a day so you can rely on the site to provide you with the latest geothermal energy news.
You can also sign up to get a daily digest of the news by providing your email address. An email message will appear on your desktop with the latest geothermal energy news at about 2 pm PST everyday there is news to share.
The GRC is proud to provide this service to the global geothermal community. If you have any questions, or have any leads to stories we might have missed please contact Ian Crawford at icrawford@geothermal.org.