Friday, September 8, 2017

Costa Rica: Another Record for Renewable Energy Generation

The annual percentage of renewable electricity generation in Costa Rica has reached 99.5%, the highest in the last 30 years (source: )

According to Costa Rica’s “Centro Nacional de Control de Energía (CENCE)”, as of August 25, 2017 the country had a total of 215 days of 100% clean electricity production since the start of the year.  For the same 237-day period, power generation burning bunker oil and diesel amounted to about 0.5%, the lowest since 1987.

If you are interested, by visiting the CENCE Webpage of the Centro Nacional de Control de Energía; i.e.,  one can see how many MW based on different energy sources are on line in a given day and on an hourly basis.

(Thanks to GRC Member Marcelo Lippmann, Staff Scientist (retired) at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory for the submission.)