Friday, September 8, 2017

Canada: Organization Advocates Re-Training Oil & Gas Workers for the Geothermal Energy Industry

Oilfield workers ready to adapt skills to renewable energy infrastructure (Journal of Commerce)

Given the choice between fossil fuel energy and renewables, trade organization Iron & Earth based in Alberta, has a simple answer: both. The not-for-profit initiative was launched in 2016 and is led by oilsands workers who are committed to building Canada's energy future while continuing to benefit from the country's fossil fuel advantage today. Achieving that goal means adapting the skill sets of oilpatch workers to the renewable energy sector.

"We're advocating for the repurposing of oil and gas infrastructure for renewables," says Lliam Hildebrand, director of strategy for Iron & Earth. "For example, underutilized or unused wells could be used to harness geothermal energy."