Monday, March 6, 2017

GRC Annual Meeting & GEA GeoExpo+

New - Submit Your Technical Paper Online

The GRC has introduced a new process for submitting technical papers to be considered for presentation at the geothermal energy event of the year, to be held October 1-4 in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.

The GRC Annual Meeting Technical Chair, Rob Podgorney, has created a video on "How To Submit Your Paper" using the CMT website. Please watch the helpful video before submitting your paper.

In order to simplify the submission and review process, the GRC Annual Meeting Committee has created an new online submission and review system using Microsoft's Conference Management Toolkit (CMT). By creating a login and profile, authors will be able to submit one or more draft papers, check their paper status, and upload a final version of their papers through the CMT website.