Recent Field Practices, Monitoring Techniques and Theoretical/Laboratory Investigations
Friday & Saturday, October 21 & 22
Hyatt Regency Hotel - Carmel 8am - 5pm
Hyatt Regency Hotel - Carmel 8am - 5pm
- Ahmad Ghassemi, University of Oklahoma
- Sabodh Garg, Program Manager - Resource Technology at Leidos
Speakers include: Bruce Julian, Carl Montgomery, Colin Williams, Davood Bahami, Derek Elsworth, Eva Schill, Francois Cornet, George Danko, Gillian Foulger, Joe Moore, John McLennan, John Pritchett, Joshua Tarun, Robert Podgorney, Steve Bauer, Susan Petty, Thordur Runolfsson, Timothy Kneafsey, and Trenton Cladouhos.