Nevada utility plots a move away from coal and water to renewable energy
NV Energy has its eye on California’s expanding Energy Imbalance Market. Kevin Geraghty, NV Energy’s vice president for generation said his company will join the market this fall. So far, he said, the market “is for multi-utility balancing purposes only.” But it could evolve into a broad multi-state market that looks like the PJM Interconnection or the Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO). The imbalance market began in November 2014 with transactions between the ISO and Berkshire Hathaway’s PacifiCorp, headquartered in Portland, Oregon. Puget Sound Energy of Bellevue, Wash., and Arizona Public Service of Phoenix are scheduled to join the market in October 2016.
As for the future of NV Energy’s generating fleet, look for more renewables and natural gas. Is there a future for coal-fired power in Nevada? “Coal has got zero future in Nevada,” said Geraghty, who grew up in coal-centric western Pennsylvania, “and not much future in the rest of the country.” What about nuclear? “No future in Nevada,” he said. “That’s largely driven by water,” as the region is gripped by a long-running drought that could, some fear, be only the opening act for a regional mega-drought.
Jack McGinley, Director of NV Energy will be a keynote speaker at the Opening Session of the GRC Annual Meeting, September 21 at the Peppermill Resort Spa Casino, Nevada, USA.
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