Thursday, April 9, 2015


Consultation on IRENA Global Atlas Work Programme 2016 – 2017 (IRENA)

This survey is a request to users and contributors of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)'s Global Atlas for Renewable Energy, to provide suggestions that would guide future developments of the initiative.

The Global Atlas for Renewable Energy (Global Atlas) is an initiative coordinated by IRENA, aimed at closing the gap between countries having access to the necessary data sets, expertise and financial support to evaluate their national renewable energy potential, and those countries lacking such elements.

Several parts of Australia show great potential for developing
geothermal energy, according to the Global Atlas for Renewable Energy.
The Global Atlas platform facilitates a first screening for areas of opportunity for renewable energy deployment all over the world where further assessments can be of particular relevance. It enables the user to overlay information listed in a catalog of more than 1,000 data sets, and to identify areas of interest for further prospection.

This survey would take a maximum of five (5) minutes to be completed and results would be collated latest by Tuesday 14th of April, 2015.

Take the survey.........