A free article from the GRC Bulletin - Volume 43, No. 5 - September/October 2014

The Bulletin is free with GRC Membership or subscribe (PDF) to six issues a year for $90 in the USA or $140 worldwide.
The GRC has generously published 4 pages from the latest issue for free. However, the full issue is 44 pages!
In this issue, the article "Finding the Hot Stuff in Oregon" by Al Waibel, Columbia Geoscience and GRC Annual Meeting Technical Program Chairman, tells the story of the Geothermal Discovery Well Drilled by Davenport Resources on the Flank of Newberry Volcano in Oregon.
A GRC Fieldtrip will visit the project site as part of the GRC Annual Meeting & GEA Expo, September 28 - October 1.
Join the GRC or subscribe to get the complete issue.
In this issue, the article "Finding the Hot Stuff in Oregon" by Al Waibel, Columbia Geoscience and GRC Annual Meeting Technical Program Chairman, tells the story of the Geothermal Discovery Well Drilled by Davenport Resources on the Flank of Newberry Volcano in Oregon.
A GRC Fieldtrip will visit the project site as part of the GRC Annual Meeting & GEA Expo, September 28 - October 1.
Join the GRC or subscribe to get the complete issue.