Tuesday, October 8, 2013

USA, Hawai'i, (Opinion):

Geothermal: When the Sun Isn’t Shining and the Wind Isn’t Blowing (Honolulu Civil Beat)

While it calls for a high upfront investment, a geothermal plant is capable of delivering energy for decades to come at a more competitive price than what we now pay. As in California, it is possible to “drill for deep fluids that have already mined the heat from the rocks they flow through. When that pressurized hot water is tapped, it flashes to steam that can power a turbine for electrical generation.”

Revisiting the past has kept some from recognizing that the technology for geothermal development today is not what it used to be. As scientists point out, the newer technology “allows us to run the steam through heat exchangers so that virtually all the fluid can be condensed and pumped back into the geothermal reservoir.”

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