Friday, December 7, 2012

USA, Nevada:

Job Opportunities Abound for College Geothermal Grads (Northern Nevada Business Weekly)

Truckee Meadows Community College (TMCC) in Reno, Nevada, will graduate its first two students from a one-of-a-kind program that trains people to operate geothermal plants.

Despite a slowdown in development of geothermal facilities, the TMCC graduates — as well as nearly 40 more who will follow them in mid-2013 — find no shortage of job opportunities, says Norma Velasquez-Bryant, who manages the program.

TMCC is getting calls from geothermal companies, both in Nevada as well as other states such as California that are hotbeds of alternative-energy development, Velasquez-Bryant says.

The school made a number of key connections when members of the Geothermal Resource Council from around the world met in Reno in late September.

The 40 geothermal plant operators that TMCC expects to graduate each year, Velasquez-Bryant says, probably is just enough to cover vacancies created by retirements or promotions at geothermal plants nationwide and won’t address the need for skilled operators at new facilities.

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