28 September - 1 October, Madrid, Spain
Call for Abstracts (Oral Presentations or Posters) Open — Submit Now!
Submission Deadline: 20 February 2020The American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG), in conjunction with the Association of Spanish Geologists and Geophysicists of Petroleum (AGGEP), is proud to host the 2020 International Conference and Exhibition (ICE) at IFEMA – Feria de Madrid in Madrid, Spain, 28 September–1 October 2020. Now is the time to share your knowledge, insights, and research to help guide our geosciences community to expand frontiers and unlock resources for future generations.
The Technical Program Committee invites you to submit abstracts for oral presentations or posters, including the theme/subthemes listed below, that have direct application to the industry. In particular, abstracts that deal with the hottest, most relevant play areas, both domestic and international, are most desirable. The committee also encourages case studies that illustrate the successful implementation of new techniques and technologies. In addition, student participation is a priority — AAPG ICE is an invaluable opportunity to showcase graduate research that advances the industry.
Theme 7: Energy Transition
- Gas Storage
- Geothermal - “Can geothermal be a bridge to the renewable energy world for oil & gas companies?
Malcolm I Ross is the co-chair of the Energy Transition theme, trying to get technical sessions (oral and posters) as well as a panel organized. Contact him at malcolm.ross@shell.com if you have any questions.