“The latest U.S. energy trends highlight both the clean energy-sector opportunities and the challenges facing America,” said report author Amanda Levin, a policy analyst with NRDC’s Climate and Clean Energy Program. “Solar and wind energy are thriving, coal-fired generation has sunk to a four-decade low, electric vehicles and grid energy storage are emerging as cleaner mainstream options, and 25 states now have greenhouse gas-reduction targets.”
However, NRDC’s seventh annual energy report, Clean Energy Opportunities and Dirty Energy Challenges, also shows that oil and gas are on the rise – along with their emissions.
The report also shows the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) energy-sector projections of 10 years ago were substantially off the mark. For example, wind and solar generation capacity is four times greater; coal consumption is 47 percent lower; oil production is 69 percent higher; and gas consumption is 27 percent more than predicted a decade ago.