The workshop took place October 8 in Munich, with the aim of identifying the conditions for a transition in the insurance schemes, according to market maturity for geothermal projects. The workshop aimed creating a discussion between the project partners, the members of the Advisory committee and the other participants to the workshop.
- Presentation of the GEORISK Project: Philippe Dumas, EGEC
- Presentation of the GEORISK Risk Register, risk assessment tool: Ferid Seyidov, GEC-Co
- Presentation typology of existing and innovative financial tools: Christian Boissavy, GEODEEP
- Establishing a geothermal risk mitigation scheme: Nicole Lupi, SFOE
- Conditions for schemes according to market maturity: Ferid Seyidov, GEC-Co
- Presentation Sustainable Finance Regulation proposal, how it affects the Geothermal sector and EGEC position – Thomas Garabetian, EGEC