Thursday, August 1, 2019

Kenya: A Renewable Energy Finance Professional in a Geothermal Energy Company

Women in Energy: $1 billion dollars in negotiations (Mining Review Africa)

Kenya’s renewable energy infrastructure requires huge and complex financing structures that put Joan Chahenza’s knack for negotiating and developing Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) to the test.

Describing herself as a renewable energy finance professional, she has contributed to structuring and tariff setting for projects totalling over $1 billion.

Being KenGen’s Chief Financial Analyst & Technical Assistant to the Corporate & Regulatory Services Director holds immense responsibility. We caught up with Joan who has her finger on the pulse of the best financial models for different generation technologies.

Joan, tell us about a project that you are particularly proud of having worked on.

The project that stands out for me is the 158MW Olkaria V Geothermal Project. Being part of the negotiating team that delivered the PPA was such a privilege. This plant is a substantial resource located in the Kenya Rift valley, about 120km from Nairobi. The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) are financing the project and construction commenced in January 2017 with the commissioning date set for late Q3 2019.