Thursday, August 22, 2019

Europe: Opinion - The Potential for Geothermal Energy

Oil Dynamics: Providing artificial lift systems for geothermal applications

Interview with Andy Limanowka, Engineering and Product Development at Oil Dynamics GmbH

How does the potential of geothermal energy differ from region to region? The potential mostly differs based on available temperatures. For example in the area south of Munich a typical producer would be 150l/s, BHT 140C, pump BHP around 1800HP and the application would be power generation, in the Netherlands a typical producer would register 70l/s, BHT 90C, pump BHP around 800HP and the application would be residential or agricultural heating.

Where do you see most potential at present and why? I would say in Europe in general and Germany or the Netherlands specifically. Europe is pioneering renewable energies and we are a German company. The Netherlands are making big strives moving away from gas towards renewables like geothermal; further the applications are easier than the German ones.