Update from the United Downs Deep Geothermal Power Project (Geothermal Engineering Ltd)
We finished drilling our injection well, UD-2, at the end of June and have now started the process of demobilising the drilling rig. It is returning to Helsinki in Finland to carry out further geothermal drilling on the project where it was working before it came to us.
During this week most of the ancillary equipment, the drill pipe and some of the rig components will leave. Next week the mast will come down and the remaining rig components will be broken down and removed from site.
The transport process is the same as when we mobilised the rig last October, please see the map above for the full route from the United Downs industrial estate to the A30. There will be about 80 truckloads leaving the site over the next two weeks using the route agreed with the Local Planning Authority as part of the planning consent for the site; through Crofthandy, Vicarage Hill and Scorrier to the A30 at Avers roundabout. This route has been agreed on the basis of minimising impact and traffic disruption to the local community.
Once again, thanks to the kind permission of the United Downs Raceway operators, we will use the raceway car park as a marshalling area for the trucks to minimise congestion on the industrial estate and nearby roads.
Everything should be off the site by about 20th July.
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