Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Geothermal: Advancements in Drilling Technology Bringing Down Costs and Opening New Areas to Development

Bringing the Heat: Geothermal Making Inroads as Baseload Power (POWER magazine)

It’s energy that has been around forever, used for years as a heating source across the world, particularly in areas with volcanic activity. Today, geothermal has surfaced as another renewable resource, with advancements in drilling technology bringing down costs and opening new areas to development.

Renewable energy continues to increase its share of the world’s power generation. Solar and wind power receive most of the headlines, but another option is increasingly being recognized as an important carbon-free resource.

Geothermal, accessing heat from the earth, is considered a sustainable and environmentally friendly source of renewable energy. In some parts of the world, the heat that can be used for geothermal is easily accessible, while in other areas, access is more challenging. Areas with volcanic activity, such as Hawaii—where the recently restarted Puna Geothermal Venture supplies about 30% of the electricity demand on the island of Hawaii—are well-suited to geothermal systems.

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