Thursday, January 24, 2019

USA, California: Presentation on Geothermal Energy: Regulatory Opportunities for an Economically Competitive Resource in a Carbon Neutral Future

Climate Club Dinner - Geothermal Energy: Regulatory Opportunities for an Economically Competitive Resource in a Carbon Neutral FutureImperial Valley Economic Development Corporation 

Thursday, January 24, 2019, 5:30 - 8:00PM
Old Eucalyptus School House, El Centro, California 

Guest speakers: Professor Tim Duane and 2018 Top Lawyer in Energy John Lormon, Chair of the Energy and Environmental Practice Group at Procopio.

In 2016, the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) opened the Integrated Resource Planning (IRP) Proceeding to implement Senate Bill 350. In the IRP, the CPUC is adopting an energy resource plan that would represent the optimal mix of both renewable and conventional generation to meet the state’s ambitious utility sector emission reduction goals, renewable portfolio standards, and minimize pollution in disadvantaged communities by 2030.

Stakeholders from all power generators, including all of the renewable resource industries are participating in the IRP (approximately 200 parties), but the geothermal industry is currently underrepresented in this proceeding. Between 2016 and early 2018, only a handful of parties representing geothermal interests participated in the proceeding, including Imperial County, and more recently, Controlled Thermal Resources, which consistently advocated to include factors that will increase the economic viability and competitiveness of geothermal generation in the Imperial Valley region.

Professor Tim Duane and the Procopio team represented Imperial County in the IRP and achieved several milestones, including the recognition that the CPUC must revise flawed planning assumptions that currently undervalue geothermal generation and make this resource uncompetitive.

Join us for this exclusive dinner program where we will review the important milestones that Imperial County achieved during the first phase of the IRP that are aligned with the interest the geothermal industry. You will hear about the latest developments in the IRP, including a recent ruling that orders modeling adjustments in the next cycle of the IPR (which is set to begin in early 2019) and may lead to modeling results showing how geothermal generation is economically competitive as natural gas plants are retired.

At the end of this dinner program, we expect our guests to have an understanding of the realistic opportunities that exist for the promotion of the geothermal industry in the IRP. This update is being provided at a time when IRP procurement decisions will be made. The industry has a great opportunity to convince the CPUC that the inclusion of more geothermal is necessary to have a balanced portfolio that meet the legislative mandates.

  • Dinner and Beverages will be provided at no cost.
  • Your RSVP is required.