In this issue:
- President's Message by Maria Richards
- Executive Director's Message by William Pettitt
- Inside Geothermal: 15 pages of geothermal energy news from around the world
- The 42nd GRC Annual Meeting & Expo - Opening Session, Annual Charity Golf Tournament, Photo Contest, Poster Session
- Gabbs Valley Fieldtrip by Susan Hodgson
- Best Student Poster - Numerical Simulation of Effects of Multilateral Wells on Thermal Characteristics of a Fractured EGS Based on a Thermal-hydraulic-mechanical Coupling Model, by Yu Shi, et al.
- Geothermal History in the Making - Gators in the Sage (2001)
- Corporate Profile - Capuano Engineering Company
- Publications, Websites, Videos & Maps
- In Memoriam - Robert E. Tucker
- Calendar of Events