Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Canada: Country Could Take a Leading Role in International Geothermal Energy - Opinion

Opinion - Is Canada Warming up to Geothermal Heat Power? (LinkedIn)

by Andreas Källroos, Country Manager Canada at Climeon

While Canadian authorities must still take a number of policy actions to reduce uncertainty for entrepreneurs and investors, we’re optimistic that these changes are starting to happen. Like the new power purchase agreement from SaskPower, incentives for the oil and gas industry to produce their own power, and grants like the one to Borealis GeoPower. I also just read that Canada’s Standing Committee on Natural Resources announced their recommendation that the federal government create a database of energy information with examples of lesser-known energy topics – like geothermal heat power.

The heat power potential in Canada is extensive. We believe the coming years are very exciting times and that Canada could take a leading role not only in the domestic market but also internationally.

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