The event assessed the work carried out by the platform so far and further its work for the development of the Strategic Research Agenda (SRA), which defines the European research priorities to 2050. The priorities have presented and discussed during the event, to further the work for their inclusion in the Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) that will be released in Autumn 2018.
Some presentations from the conference have been made available:
- Vision for Deep Geothermal
- SRA for Deep Geothermal (A. Manzella, CNR, ETIP-DG Secretariat)
- EU support to geothermal energy and Horizon Europe (F. Gagliardi, European Commission)
- The Deep Geothermal Implementation Plan (L. Torsello, CoSviG, Deep Geothermal TWG)
- RHC ETIP: role, evolution and new perspectives to improve geothermal R&D | RHC-ETIP new structure (J. Urchueguia, RHC-ETIP)