Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Netherlands: 149 MW of Geothermal Projects to Get Renewable Subsidy

Netherlands awards 1.9 GW of PV in SDE+ 2017 autumn round (pv magazine International)

Netherlands Enterprise Agency (Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland – RVO) announced the second round of its 2017 SDE+ (Stimulering Duurzame Energieproductie) program for large-scale solar and renewable energy power projects.

As in most of previous recent rounds, solar had the largest share accounting for around 57.3% of all assigned capacity, followed by onshore wind, which had a 34.1% share thanks to a total of 1,137.8 MW of allocated power.

Overall, around 3,330 MW of renewable energy generation capacity was contracted through the round, including 149.4 MW of geothermal projects, 133.8 MW of biomass power plants and other minor renewables.  Applications for 264 MW of geothermal projects were submitted.

The geothermal projects that were chosen:

  • Amerlaan Geothermie B.V., depth>=500m – installed capacity 31.19 MWth – near Den Haag (The Hague)
  • ECW Geo Andijk B.V., 32.19 MWth – near Alkmaar
  • Hoogweg Aardwarmte B.V., 29.26 MWth
  • Ennatuurlijk B.V., depth >=500m, 20.63 MWth
  • Agriport Warmte B.V., 36 MWth
The SDE+ compensates for the difference between the price of renewable energy and the market value of the energy supplied. Subsidies are allocated for periods of 8, 12 or 15 years depending on the maximum number of full load hours for each technology.

From the Global Geothermal News archives: