Friday, March 2, 2018

Science & Technology: New Method to Accurately Measure Ground Motion from Distant Earthquakes

Fiber-Optic Networks Can Be Used as Seismic Arrays (EOS)

A new study repurposes telecommunications cables to harness sound from light. The method can accurately measure ground motion from distant earthquakes.

In a new publication, Lindsey et al. used a novel seismic recording approach to study seismic waves from earthquakes for the first time. The technique, called distributed acoustic sensing, repurposes underground fiber-optic cables (normally used for telecommunications, such as internet, television, and telephone service) up to tens of kilometers long.

The researchers tested this technique at three locations: Fairbanks, Alaska; a region of northern California called the Geysers, home to one of the world’s largest geothermal fields; and the Stanford University campus.

At the Geysers, they were able to use an L-shaped array of cables to track the arrival of several phases of an earthquake that occurred in 2016.

Fiber-Optic Network Observations of Earthquake Wavefields, by Nathaniel J. Lindsey (Earth and Planetary Science Department, University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA), et al. Geophysical Research Letters, 2017

(Thanks to GRC Member Marcelo Lippmann, Staff Scientist (retired) at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory for the submission.)