Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Portugal: Overview of the 4 MW Pico Alto Geothermal Power Plant

Harnessing geothermal power in islands and remote areas: The Pico Alto geothermal project (Exergy)

Remote areas such as islands and rural regions often face major challenges to get access to electricity, most rely on diesel generators or heavy fuel engines that implicate the use of fossil fuels causing higher economical costs for governments and growing environmental impact. Geothermal resources on volcanic islands and remote areas can represent today a viable solution to create an efficient and sustainable energy model producing electricity for local needs by means of a renewable source available 24/7. Exergy presents the 4 MW Pico Alto geothermal power plant located on Terceira Island, meeting up to more than 10% of the local energy needs and approximately 25% of the local baseload.