Great Basin Center for Geothermal Energy, Reno, Nevada
The GBCGE has received funding for a cooperative project with the US Department of State that aims to strengthen the capacity of foreign countries to develop their geothermal energy resource base. The project will involve capacity-building activities in several foreign countries and the USA, including delivering workshops and presentations, meeting foreign government stakeholders, peer to peer exchanges, provision of technical advice, and conducting geothermal resource assessments in country.
The post-doctoral scholar will be working in this project with other team members, and is integral to project success. They will also be joining a vibrant, motivated team in the GBCGE who are dedicated to geothermal science, education and knowledge transfer, and increasing our understanding of the geothermal resource potential in the western USA and abroad. Application deadline is 10th February 2018.
More Information........... Announcement Flyer (PDF)...........