Friday, January 12, 2018

Science & Technology: Detecting the Signs of an Impending Volcanic Eruption

Working Together Toward Better Volcanic Forecasting (EOS)

A National Academies report highlights challenges and opportunities in volcano science.

Montserrat Drilling Site on the Flank of the Soufriere Volcano, Bastien Poux, EGS, Inc.
On average, more than 60 volcanoes erupt every year. Although volcanic eruptions can be amazing natural phenomena, they can also have devastating effects on the landscape, atmosphere, and living beings, and these effects can extend over great distances. Data from many types of instruments, combined with a basic understanding of how volcanoes work, can provide an important means of safeguarding lives and property by detecting the signs of an impending eruption and forecasting its size and duration.

(Thanks to GRC Member Marcelo Lippmann, Staff Scientist (retired) at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory for the submission.)