The objective of the project is to enhance – through a transnational cluster – European geo-energy SMEs performance and competitiveness, in all industries which utilise subsurface energy for the project. The creation of this European Strategic Cluster Partnership (ESCP), coupled with the development and implementation of a roadmap, acts as an internationalisation strategy to help this ESCP go international (ESCP-4i), as encouraged by the COSME “Clusters Go International” call for projects.
Thursday, January 11, 2018
Republic of Ireland: Successful Commencement of the ‘Geo-Energy for the 21st Century' Project
Geoscience Ireland: successful EU COSME application for Geo-Energy Study (GI)
Geoscience Ireland (GI) is delighted to announce the commencement of the ‘Geo-Energy for the 21st Century’ (Geo-Energy Europe) project. This collaborative project is funded by the European Commission’s Competitiveness of Enterprises and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (COSME) programme. Pole AVENIA, the French geoscience cluster with which GI signed an MoU in 2017, lead the application and was supported by GI and 6 other European counterparts.
geothermal plant,
geothermal power,