Friday, November 3, 2017

Serbia: Funds made Available for Geothermal Energy Feasibility Study at Bogatić

Održivo korišćenje geotermalnih resursa šansa za razvoj opštine Bogatić - Sustainable use of geothermal resources is a chance for the development of the municipality of Bogatić (Energetski Portal)

Ovim projektom Opština Bogatić dobiće sredstva u iznosu oko 30.000 evra, koja će biti iskorišćena za izradu Studije o detaljnim geotermalnim istraživanjima i oceni mogućnosti proizvodnje toplotne i električne energije iz geotermalnih resursa na teritoriji opštine Bogatić.

(From Google Translation) With this project the Municipality of Bogatic will receive funds in the amount of around 30,000 euros, which will be used for the preparation of the Study on detailed geothermal research and assessment of the possibility of producing heat and electricity from geothermal resources in the territory of the municipality of Bogatic.

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