The request for geothermal technologies is for USD 99,500,000, an increase of USD 28,500,000 or 40.1% on 2016.
FY 2017 funding supports full implementation of the Frontier Observatory for Research in Geothermal Energy (FORGE), including on‐site research and development in enhanced geothermal technologies; and DOE’s Subsurface Science, Technology and Engineering RD&D (Subsurface) crosscut to reduce the cost and risk of geothermal development.
FY 2017 funding will expand temperature‐gradient well drilling under the program’s “Play Fairway Analysis,” which assesses exploration risk and the probability of finding new geothermal resources on a regional scale, resulting in maps and studies that will reduce the industry’s drilling and development risks, and will identify new prospective areas for geothermal exploration and development.
- For full FY17 budget request materials, click here.
- For the Department's FY17 budget request fact sheet, click here.
- For the White House's Mission Innovation fact sheet, click here.