Tuesday, October 27, 2015

USA: Geothermal Energy Now Generates 3.91 GW

RE dominates new US capacity (renews)

Renewable energy accounted for 60.20% of the 7276 MW of new generation capacity placed in service in the USA during the first nine months of 2015, according to the Sun Day campaign.

Sun Day cited the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s (Ferc’s) Energy Infrastructure Update report, which, it said, noted 26 new units of wind power accounting for 2966 MW of new generating capacity or 40.76% of all new capacity in the year-to-date. Solar followed with 1137 MW (142 units), biomass with 205 MW (16 units), geothermal steam with 45 MW (1 unit) and hydropower with 27 MW (18 units).

There were also 34 units of natural gas contributing 2884 MW, 9 MW from six units of oil, 3 MW from one new coal plant and no new nuclear.

It added that renewable energy sources now account for 17.40% of total installed operating generating capacity in the USA – hydro 8.59%, wind 5.91%, biomass 1.43%, solar 1.13% and geothermal steam 0.34% (total installed capacity is 3.91 GW). This was up from 16.35% of capacity in September 2014 and 15.68% in September 2013.

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