Monday, September 14, 2015

India: Iceland to Help Develop Geothermal Energy

Geothermal Energy Can Contribute to Renewable Energy Initiative of India (Governance Today)

Mr. Thórir Ibsen,
Ambassador of Iceland to India

Interview with Mr. Thórir Ibsen, Ambassador of Iceland to India. 

What is happening on collaboration on geothermal energy between the two countries?

Narendra Modi, the Prime Minister of India has put forth an ambitious target of increasing the use of renewable energy in India. The plan is to increase the production of renewable energy by 160.000 MW by 2022. When attained, it will be a major contribution to energy security in India and to the reduction of air pollution with great health benefits and better quality of life for Indians. Iceland can help in that endeavour.

But while India is used to the idea of hydro power, the first geothermal energy plant has yet to be built in India. I am confident that the first plant will soon be built with the help of Icelandic knowledge and expertise because both the Indian government and businesses have come to understand the potential of geothermal energy for India and of Iceland’s experience of using geothermal energy. And a number of Indian experts have graduated from the United Nations University Geothermal Programme in Iceland. Indeed, geothermal harnessing can make an important contribution to Re-Invest, the renewable energy initiative of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

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