Monday, September 14, 2015

Australia: Mining Magazine Promotes Geothermal Energy Down Under

Looking to the future: Geothermal Energy and Its Production Challenges (Australian Mining)

The Australian Government estimates “that one per cent of the geothermal energy shallower than five kilometres and hotter than 150°C could supply Australia’s total energy requirements for 26 000 years”.

Diversifying Australia’s energy sources to include low-carbon renewable electricity sources can help to supplement traditional sources in meeting these increasing demands.

Renewable energy sources include biomass, geothermal and hydro, all of which occur naturally.

While solar and wind power are other renewal sources of energy available in Australia, they are intermittent and only provide energy based on climate conditions.

Geothermal energy on the other hand provides pollution-free electricity by drawing on heat from the depths of the earth.

The Australian Geothermal Energy Association identifies three different types of geothermal activity which allow for the creation of steam through different methods.

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