Tuesday, August 4, 2015


Obama’s Climate Legacy: Renewables are Winners Under the Clean Power Plan (Morning Consult)

President Barack Obama unveiled the highly-anticipated Clean Power Plan Monday, and reactions ran a predictable gamut: the renewables industry lauded the rolling-out, while the power industry attacked it as anti-business and irrelevant to global warming.

The Clean Power Plan encourages the deployment of renewable power to help states meet their emissions targets. The final rule adds a “Clean Energy Incentive Program” that gives “a head start to wind and solar deployment” and prioritizes “the deployment of energy efficiency improvements in low-income communities that need it most early in the program,” according to a White House fact sheet.

The final rule also softened interim compliance deadlines, giving states more time to add zero-carbon electricity sources to the grid. More time also means less money, as the price of renewable energy continues to fall.

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