Thursday, August 6, 2015

USA, Indonesia:

The United States Engages with Indonesia to Advance Cooperation on Geothermal Energy (U.S. Department of State)

On August 6th, the United States and Indonesia conducted a workshop with regulatory, financial, and technical experts, as well as high-level government officials, to advance geothermal development in Indonesia. The United States and Indonesia agree to increase collaborations and explore opportunities over the coming weeks and months to accelerate private investment in geothermal energy.

The workshop included discussions of international best practices for geothermal energy development and exploration of opportunities to streamline current policies, rules, and regulations, while also preserving the integrity of local concerns to protect the environment. Experts also explored world-class approaches to reduce risks associated with geothermal development, to increase the efficiency of government processes and to create the financial certainty necessary to increase overall levels of geothermal energy investment.

Developing this clean energy supply has the potential to support long-term, low emission economic growth and to help Indonesia meet its climate change target of a 26 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2020, or 41 percent reduction with international support, compared to business-as-usual. The workshop illustrates how the United States is working with its partners to mitigate the causes of global climate change.

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