Tuesday, August 11, 2015

USA, Idaho:

U.S. Geothermal Inc. Reports First Six Months 2015 Results (News Release)

U.S. Geothermal Inc. announced today its financial and operating results for the First Six Months ending June 30, 2015, updated guidance for 2015, and highlighted notable achievements for the First Six Months.

Notable Achievements for First Six Months include:

  • Operations: Delivered annual average availabilities for the First Six Months for each plant (excluding planned maintenance hours) as follows:
    Raft River - 99.8%, San Emidio - 98.8%, Neal Hot Springs - 97.3%.
  • Completed planned annual maintenance outages at all three operating facilities including a major overhaul (once in 7 years) at Raft River.
  • Generated fleet wide total 168,874 megawatt-hours for the period, as compared to 173,268 megawatt-hours in prior year.
  • Completed flow test of three major steam wells at WGP Geysers project confirming steam drilled and available for approximately 30 megawatts.
  • Worked with the Guatemalan Ministry of Energy and Mines to finalize approval of a modified project construction schedule for the El Ceibillo project. Received approval on July 21, 2015.
  • Drilled and tested the first and second water supply wells at Neal Hot Springs to support the potential hybrid cooling project.
  • Received permits for the temperature gradient wells at San Emidio for Phase II, and began drilling.
  • Finalized settlement agreement with Neal Hot Springs equipment supplier Turbine Air Systems.
The U.S. Senate Energy committee has approved a broad energy bill which includes a number of long sought after amendments that are favorable to geothermal development. Additionally the U.S. Senate Finance committee has approved language that would extend the 30% Investment Tax Credit to geothermal projects that start construction before December 31, 2016. Both bills are headed to the full Senate and House for voting.

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