Monday, August 10, 2015

USA, Idaho, Oregon:

Northwest Geothermal Research Aims To Help Solve Energy And Water Squeeze (Northwest Public Radio)

The Raft River Geothermal Plant in Idaho.
President Obama’s new EPA rule seeking drastic reductions in carbon emissions could create more room in the industry for cleaner forms of energy. One of those is geothermal. In eastern Oregon and parts of Idaho, a new study will look closer at this potential source, and how it’s connected to the drought-stricken West.

GRC Member Erick Burns says he’s excited to find out more about what lies below the surface. Burns is the lead scientist on the US Geological Survey’s study.

“This is a potential major source of power for the U.S. that doesn’t emit carbon, if we can figure out how to get at it," Burns says.

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