Wednesday, August 5, 2015

New Zealand:

Boom in Geothermal Energy Means NZ Can Shutter Coal Plants - Minister

The closure of the last coal unit in 2018 will mark the end of coal-fired power generation in New Zealand

New Zealand Energy and Resources 
Minister, Simon Bridges
Genesis Energy’s decision to close its two remaining coal units by 2018 is a sign of the times and reflects the growth of New Zealand’s world-leading renewable energy industry, Energy and Resources Minister Simon Bridges says.

“Historically coal has played an important role in ensuring the security of New Zealand’s electricity supply, particularly in dry years where our hydro-lake levels are low.

“But significant market investment in other forms of renewable energy in recent years, particularly in geothermal, means that a coal backstop is becoming less of a requirement,” he says.

Geothermal generation has more than doubled over the past decade and for the first time in 40 years, geothermal electricity generation contributed more electricity than natural gas during 2014.

“The advance notice of the unit closures will give the energy industry time to consider further investment in renewables. There is a significant amount of consented geothermal capacity ready and waiting for development. Its closure marks the end of coal-fired power generation in New Zealand.

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