Tuesday, August 11, 2015


Ministry Planning System to Promote Geothermal Power (The Japan Times)

The Japanese Ministry of the Environment will introduce a system to promote geothermal power generation by involving local municipalities from the initial stages of plant construction, according to informed sources.

The ministry will set up consultative bodies of municipalities interested in hosting geothermal power generation facilities, local residents and relevant companies to help communities reach agreements on the construction of such plants, the sources said.

The ministry believes that the new system can shorten the periods needed for starting geothermal plant construction by up to three years.

The ministry plans to earmark necessary funds for the project in its budget request for fiscal 2016, which starts next April, the sources said.

In its energy target for 2030, the central government plans to increase the proportion of geothermal power generation from the current 0.3 percent to between 1.0 percent and 1.1 percent of the country’s overall electricity generation.

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