Thursday, August 20, 2015


Alberta Town To Fund Geothermal Survey (

Jonathan Banks, a PhD research associate with the University of Alberta presented the idea for a study that would gauge the potential for geothermal energy production in 10 reservoirs in Alberta – five of which are in the Hinton area. At council’s direction, Town administration continued conversations with Banks and provided him with a letter of intent.

“The study could happen as early as September with the investment of about $90,000,” said Wendy Jones, director of planning and development for the Town of Hinton.

The study would provide the Town with a three-dimensional picture of the geothermal potential in the area, a calculation of how much energy is available and a prediction of how much total power could be produced, as well as an economic, environmental and regulatory assessment.

Previously Banks had said “The deepest units at the base are here in Hinton, with temperatures approaching 200 degrees [Celsius], which is hot – you can produce a lot of electricity.”

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