Wednesday, August 5, 2015


Study of Geothermal Energy from Abandoned Mines in Nova Scotia (

The Cumberland Energy Authority in the Canadian province of Nova Scotia, announced Wednesday a new partnership to research the commercial potential for geothermal energy in the town of Springhill.

The Verschuren Centre for Sustainability in Energy and the Environment at Cape Breton University will conduct the research, in hopes of better understanding the geothermal resource potential within the former Springhill mines.

Geothermal energy has been of interest to the region due to the significant presence of abandoned mines in the Springhill area. The development of geothermal energy involves extracting heat from underground water to use as an energy source. By harvesting geothermal energy from mine water, it makes mine water management economically appealing. The Community of Springhill currently has five buildings using geothermal energy.

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