Friday, July 17, 2015

USA, California:

Imperial Irrigation District Launches Antitrust Lawsuit (The Desert Sun)

California Independent System Operator (CAISO), the entity that manages California's electricity grid has stifled clean energy projects and plotted to "crush" the Imperial Irrigation District" out of existence," a new antitrust lawsuit claims.

The Imperial Valley has some of the best sunlight in the country, and some of the best geothermal resources in the world. Proponents say expanded clean energy development in the Imperial Valley would help California meet its ambitious climate goals, while creating jobs in an area where the unemployment rate hovers around 25 percent.

Some new solar and geothermal projects are under development in the Imperial Valley. But there could be more projects, district officials say, if the system operator didn't make it so difficult for energy companies to send electricity to coastal cities via the district's power lines.

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