Friday, June 26, 2015


USTDA Strengthens Support For Geothermal Energy Development in Turkey (USTDA)

This week, the U.S. Trade and Development Agency awarded a grant to Turcas BM Kuyucak Jeotermal Elektrik Üretim A. Ş. (TBK), a Turkish joint venture owned primarily by BM Holding and Turcas Energy Holding.  The grant funds a feasibility study that will evaluate the technical and financial specifications for a geothermal energy project designed to supply 13.2 Megawatts (MW) of renewable energy to the Turkish electrical grid. 

The new facility will utilize modern and efficient technology for generating electricity from geothermal, a clean and renewable energy source that is becoming increasingly important in the composition of Turkey’s energy portfolio. 

“We are very proud to have supported, either directly or indirectly, a substantial amount of Turkey’s more than 300 MW of operational geothermal energy,” said USTDA Country Manager Heather Lanigan.  “This project in Kuyucak will expand on that success, and will also build upon USTDA’s continued efforts to support renewable energy deployment in Turkey.”