Thursday, May 28, 2015


Nigeria has several alternatives to fossil fuel, given its rich endowment with natural resources. If effectively exploited, the country may be on a path to the energy sufficiency it urgently needs to ensure sustainable and inclusive economic growth.

While other renewable energy sources like solar and biomass have been explored, Nigeria is yet to utilize the heat emitted from its earth.

The success of Kenya’s geothermal power generation shows what Nigeria can achieve if the country invests in digging geothermal wells. The East African nation boosted its power generation capacity by 17.5 percent after exploring geothermal resources.

Now that abundant sources of geothermal energy have been found along the Benue trough in Nasarawa, Benue, and Plateau States, as well as the Borno Basin, a successful pilot program will encourage private investment and boost the country’s poor power generation capacity.