Monday, April 6, 2015


Available Now from the GRC! - Membership Roster and Registry of Geothermal Services and Equipment

The “Phone Book” for the world geothermal industry, the GRC Membership Roster provides contact information for more than 1200 corporate and individual members of the GRC in cross-referenced lists for speedy access. In addition, this premier publication offers contact information for additional geothermal associations and a number of federal and state geothermal offices. (Hard copy, 100 pages . . . . . $25)
Call us at: (530) 758-2360, or E-mail:

GRC "Yellow Pages"

The Registry of Geothermal Services and Equipment portion of the above publication contains the "Yellow Pages" for the worldwide geothermal industry. Companies are listed with a description of their products and services. The Geothermal Resources Council provides these pages for free.

GRC 2015 Registry of Geothermal Services and Equipment (PDF)